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    Confused as Hell

    Fvck. I know she's going to confront me about this eventually. But she's so "in love" with him it makes me sick. She put me through hell and keeps dragging me through the dirt. But the good news is, last night I did a reframe and got IOI's from her fvcking cute sister! At this point, I think...
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    Moving on, or holding on

    Next her, buddy. It's not worth the trouble. Trust me.
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    Confused as Hell

    Now's she's in "serious like" with him. Yep, I think I'm in hell.
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    Is this a good way of showing social proof/worth?

    If there's one thing I'm good at, it's writing. Now, it's not very often that this trait gets to come out in public (I've published some stuff, but it's not as though kids these days read at all :p ). But to be honest, I have some hot babes in my English class. I mean, they're getting up into...
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    Confused as Hell

    Yeah, she was a wonderful girl while I knew her, but I'm tired of these damn games. I need some time off. Even just building rapport is too much for me right now. But just for future reference, how would you have continued from where I left off?
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    Confused as Hell

    Sh!t. . . You know what? **** it. I'm not wasting another breath on her. I'm going to kick that guy's ass, and that will be the end of that chapter. Time to move on.
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    Confused as Hell

    ****. . . Here's a bit of an update on the situation. The friend of hers was alright, but it just didn't work out. So, I did a takeaway on the chick. For two weeks I dropped almost all contact, up to the point of nearly completely ignoring her. She started off disappointed, went to sad, and...
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    Non AFC way to ask a girl to be your girlfriend?

    Honestly? I wouldn't. Asking her only puts her on the spot and gives her a chance to say no. Both are bad ideas. Just keep with the DJing and once you get her to kiss you in HS then it's pretty much understood that you are in a relationship. Unless you're gaming a slut. But then again, we...
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    Confused as Hell

    Actually, that's the kind of kick in the head I needed. Thanks, Kontroller.
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    Confused as Hell

    Actually, I've been flirting with her close friend for about a week. What's really bothering me is that the aforementioned girl has been giving off mixed signals, much more so than before when she was dead certain we were "just friends." I know you can sometimes work your way out of the...
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    Confused as Hell

    Former lurker, new poster here. For many this will probably end up as a TOO LONG; DIDN'T READ but bear with me. Anyway, I have an odd situation here. About five months back I met this girl. I wanted to go for her, but I had two problems: she had a (terrible) boyfriend and my brother was...