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  1. E

    The Skip2mylou Story, with pics!

    Um, what is wrong with everyone here? Can't you see this L777 dude is posting pictures of Liam Gallagher from Oasis!? Everyone has way too much time on their hands.
  2. E

    Club sl*ts

    Sorry, I should have posted this in Discussion not Tips.. can someone please move? No, I just know that when I call, she's going to not know who I am.. what's the way of saying "I'm the ruggedly handsome bloke you ditched to pick up other blokes" in a way that says "I don't give a **** just...
  3. E

    Club sl*ts

    This has happened a few times in my life, and it happened again last night. Meet a girl at a bar, talking for a bit, suddenly we're making out. Easy peasy. Then we sort of separate while I go back to my mate and scope out the rest of the joint. Look around and there's the girl.. making out...
  4. E

    What to say when..

    I say something like "So, I heard you're the one who's into midgets"
  5. E

    Picking up at a Rock Festival

    The Falls I'd say.
  6. E

    What meaning do you find in ONS's

    Who cares, it resets your counter.
  7. E

    Field Report (and a request for advice)

    I kind of cringed reading that. Did you really bring up STDs and say "let's seal the deal with a no tongue kiss"?
  8. E

    Hats okay on a date?

    Is her name Bruce? Because that hat's pretty gay.
  9. E

    Setting up a date... spontaneous or in advance?

    Unless you've been seeing her for a while, most girls won't go for spontaneous... they'll either have something on or they'll make something up. Why? Because girls aren't like dudes. They need more than a couple hours to work out their outfit, do their hair, consult a psychic, bathe in mango...
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    another funny kino game

    Hall of fame!!!! :?
  11. E

    Countering neg-hits?

    I'd just give it back to her, or run with it, all in a joking way of course. HER: "Why do you have your hair in a center part? You look like a hippy!" ME: "I was actually going for the gay biker look, but hippy is fine, matches your hairy legs"
  12. E

    funny kino game

    Haha I like you, you're funny.
  13. E

    funny kino game

    Nipple cripples also work wonders too
  14. E

    How do I deal with a friend situation? How should I deal with it?

    Dude, it's really not that hard just to ask her out.
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    funny kino game

    Similar to one I play. I hit them in the back of the head really hard, then run off before they can catch me. It ALWAYS gets their attention.
  16. E

    Stood up by text message.

    I recently posted a thread on these last minute cancellations, and everyone's advice on here was to "next" them. Well, I don't care if my ego takes a bruising from some random chick that I'm only interested in because they are hot, so I had a long think about it and came up with some ideas how...
  17. E

    Dealing with last minute cancellations

    Thanks PlaysToWin for the pep up. You're right. Ha, even as I was feeling down about this and writing this thread, a girl that I slept with last weekend texted to make plans for this weekend. It's just weird how ego works... I can't give a crap because I know she's into me... but the ones who...
  18. E

    Dealing with last minute cancellations

    OK fair enough, I gather that obviously it's because I'm a low priority...although surely there's some level of interest if they are the ones organising the dates and doing the asking out? Ah well, all headf*8ks aren't they.. guess you guys are just telling me what I already knew.
  19. E

    Dealing with last minute cancellations

    Dude, no offence, and thanks for reading my post, but that's the worst most blatant attempt at creating jealousy reply I've ever read. And no I don't think that low of myself :? Edit - you've changed your first line I see.. I'm not into desparation here, I've been getting as much as has been...
  20. E

    Dealing with last minute cancellations

    Cheers, yeah I know it's obvious to just not deal with them anymore. Thought there might be a way to turn it around though, by either making them feel guilty, or wondering why you don't care etc.. Maybe the ones that do that are the ones that are used to having guys suck up to them...