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  1. O

    why men are men

    Probably not that many. But when it comes to a pet that's another story. This just happened this week in Minneapolis:
  2. O

    Sweet guy = bad?

    Is a person who you are interested in constantly saying how "sweet" you are ALWAYS the kiss of death?
  3. O

    Revenge is a Dish best served....... Silent??

    Silence truly is golden. The few conversations my wife and I would have in the last few years of our marriage were arguments - initiated by her. It was a waste of my energy so I began to completely ignore her. Worked great. I didn't have to say anything, she'd get pissed off, and by default...
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    Where do I go from here? (Long)

    OK, so I'll probably come across as being pretty pathetic but I suppose I'm fairly anonymus here so I'm going to spill my guts. I need opinions and hopefully some advice. I'm in my mid fifties but when you take into account how long I was married and been divorced a few years now I've...
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    What's too young?

    I'm in my mid fiftes. Opinions please. How young can a woman I'm pursuing be before the age difference is just too creepy? OG