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  1. C

    When To Buy Her Drink?

    if u like a girl i think it's just good social graces to buy her a drink. like opening a door for her. guys who never buy a girl a drink, are cheap. isn't this common sense? as for chicks who brag about never having to pay for a drink, don't date those skanks.
  2. C

    Stunning Girl - Amazingly Beautiful - NO BF!

    just add her on your real myspace account you can say, i remember you from way back when, how's life? and that's it (i thought this was a support group site, why is everyone so negative?)
  3. C

    Should I make a move the first days of class?

    definatly wait and keep your eye on her. later when you get an oppurtunity you can say something really charming like, you seem pretty cool or some other **** like that. it sort of lets her know you've been interested for more than an hour. use the classic excuse of needing a "study buddy" or...
  4. C

    3 approaches at the Mall

    wow, ok, i didn't read page 2 and missed the big fight over who's the bigger geek going on here. sratch my previous post and continue on, by all means.
  5. C

    3 approaches at the Mall

    i stumbled onto this site after watching "The Pick-Up Artist" on VH1, it looks interesting, if a bit unconventional. anyway, i'm egar to learn more about this, you know, "method". anyway, w00t, just some friendly advice, when a girl says she waiting for someone or that someone is waiting for...