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  1. T

    Peacocking Advice

    I still think there are a lot of people who have got the wrong idea of peacocking & dressing smart for that matter. I mean dressing smart doesnt mean wearing expensive clothes. Hell no. For instance you could dress someone up in the most expensive clothes known to mankind but if they dont fit...
  2. T

    What did you change about your appearance that resulted in more attention from women?

    There are numerous things you can do to be INSTANTLY more appealing to women. Number 1 rule would probably be, take pride & respect yourslef because if you dont then NO ONE else will. Also be a student of fashion & grooming, when I say student I mean make fashion a genuine hobby of yours...
  3. T

    Sales and Marketing vs Gaming women

    you will actually find that most of the concepts used for gaming chicks came from other areas in life such as sale's. Also a lot of the tactics actually came from women. Gurus have taken what women do & reversed it & thrown it right back at them.
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    To approach?

    remember "there is no such thing as failure, just feedback". What have you got to lose?
  5. T

    Women Using Tests

    kind of off topic but the best way to pass a **** test is to genuinely NOT react to it. If you react then you usually will fail.
  6. T

    How do you handle the waiting game?

    if it aint broke then dont fix it. The whole idea is to reward her for good behaviour & punish her for bad behaviour. If she's well in to you & not putting any obstacles in the way then fine, keep doing what you are doing. Anything other than this & you will be the one putting obstacles in the way.