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  1. D

    I am pathetic and desperate

    hey mate, go see a psychologist, he'll help you deal with your issues first, than u can go and kick her out and stop NEEDING to always be ****ing someone, than u'll start wanting to ***k... and that's a part of being in the game.
  2. D

    The truth shall set you free; I'm in a BAAD situation..

    hauhuahua that's why u shouldn't lie mate! but u CAN'T tell her that in a serious way.. make fun of her... follow Docs options... or next time u see her, pretend u are from another country, that u are obviously not... just to make fun of her..
  3. D

    guys after a long time,im on a stump

    Well, I think u can go to the field and approach a buch of women, or u can start therapy. Is always good to deal with your issues before.
  4. D

    How to rebound from a mistake made the day after?

    Yep. Everytime I screw up by over asking or over calling, I stop and think: "How can I fix this?" Usually, just give her a little time and neg her a little when u talk to her... be ****y and funny..
  5. D

    guys after a long time,im on a stump

    woow, don't do that man! Your confidence must NOT be in your hair... DON'T be insecure about it, just reframe it and come back to thee game. The attraction will come instantly when u put your game together, your looks will only help, but not be decisive.
  6. D

    Extremely friendly?

    Yep. If you can see the IOI's, she's ready to go.. but if u can't, just neg her a little bit more...