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  1. H

    Need Advice... Please - -

    yeah so she will think she has won basically
  2. H

    Where i live people are negative

    hey thanks for your comments i really helped me.. i think i need to start doing more you know people say if you keep trying you get it in the end but when you try really hard and people just throw it in you face you think whats the point .. like when i go liquid night club i talk to many girls...
  3. H

    Where i live people are negative

    I live in luton, united kingdom.. its a depressive place.. if you smile at some one they think oh why he smiling for.. every one walks around with a sad face.. if you say some or dome something they say or your wierd.. you cant be yourself.. because than people will say your wierd.. do...
  4. H

    Need Advice... Please - -

    hi, i hope you can give me some advice basically im a student at university.. i met a girl in a student night out.. .. and we started talking on facebook and getting on well but after a few days she had took me off for no reason.. maybe her friend influenced her not to talk to me .. or...
  5. H

    college advice ..plz HELP

    hi i need help basically i go to college and i have read many articles on this website for a long time now... when im at college i go up 2 a girl and do my thing and some times i get the girl to come with me to library or wateva but then theres alot of people in college that say im a player...
  6. H

    Is She Playing Me?

    okay so i basically cant do anything now its all messed up bt i was wondering if there is a way i cud get her bak for my pain that wud make me luk kool at least
  7. H

    Is She Playing Me?

    i met this girl thru a freind shes realli beutiful shez 17 and few dayz later i told her i love her and she got turned off by that because she sed she dnt beleieve me newayz that was 3 monthz ago i see her after college and a month ago on day b4 her bday she told me she wud go out with...