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  1. R

    What do you guys think?

    Good advice, when she calls over the next few days should I answer or just be busy for awhile?
  2. R

    What do you guys think?

  3. R

    New to this---Advice needed

    Good idea, I have to get an hour available at the same time she does first, I am working 12-16hr a day 7days a week for a few more weeks then I will be back to a normal schedule just hate to miss out on someone that I am actually interested in which hasnt happened in awhile.
  4. R

    New to this---Advice needed

    Already got that going on, any other ideas to keep her interested until I get off work a day!!!
  5. R

    New to this---Advice needed

    Yea seeing that I have never been the type to buy much of anything unless it was a suprise for someone I had been dating 4awhile buying someone flowers that I have yet to go on a date with might be alittle much. Just thought it might be a way to let her know I was thinking about her seeing that...
  6. R

    New to this---Advice needed

    Ok, I have never had trouble getting a date or involved in a relationship, but for the past year I decided not to date anyone. I met someone a month ago we have talked on the phone a bunch but we have both been to busy to go on a date yet because of work schedules, she seems to be really cool...