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  1. D

    "Just Be Yourself" (?)

    Some guys who are naturally C+F seem to "hide" it from hot women... If a normal/ugly girl came up to them and said something, some times they would reply with something along the lines of C+F... However if a hot women approached them, and said the very same thing (something which left them open...
  2. D

    "Just Be Yourself" (?)

    Okay, well I see all of you other Don Juans constantly putting down this ancient dating advice... But here's the thing, most guys are naturally ****y & funny in some respect, all naturally dig at each other a little bit, and isn't this just what "just be yourself" TRULY means? It seems that...
  3. D

    101 Things More Important Than Miss Oneitis

    Woah nice reply :up: You completely grasped the whole concept :) AND IMPROVED ON IT TOO! My post was about remembering that miss one-itis (I was referring to the actual girl by the way) isn't the most important thing in life, as I know that some guys adopt the prospect of "I'd give ANYTHING...
  4. D

    101 Things More Important Than Miss Oneitis

    Okay mate thanks for the tip... I will try to include further positives :) I think I can still edit.
  5. D

    101 Things More Important Than Miss Oneitis

    This is basically for anybody who has one-itis for one particular girl or is getting too involved in game over other things, who would like a reality check... :up: So here I present you with, 101 Things More Important Than Miss Oneitis... (p.s. miss one-itis refers to the actual girl) 1...
  6. D

    How Easy Things Can Be...

    I changed the thread it carries a different message than I intended... Damn straight this is KBJ advice lol, but it still carrys a message... I only get a chance to sarge on weekends, and spend most of the week days doing other stuff, and when I have free time I post this kind of thing lol...
  7. D

    How Easy Things Can Be...

    Don't wait for the "perfect" moments... Don't take these things as impossible tasks which take careful planning, and need perfect wording to get it. Don't sit around and wait for it to happen, because you will be waiting a forever, YOU make the perfect moments... landing phone numbers me...
  8. D

    Wanted: Your Most AFC Move

    Haha nice thread... Rewind years back, when I was just starting high school, there was this really hot chick who I was COMPLETELY into. I liked her to the point of looking up on the internet "best ever chat up lines" and pretty much giving her a monologue of them. My grand finale was what they...
  9. D

    2nd Chance?

    All I want to hear is something along these lines: Girl: Of course I will go out with you! Hey mate, hook up with her, she wants it...
  10. D

    Define : Girlfriend...

    You wanted a definition? girlfriend noun 1. Any female friend; "Mary and her girlfriend organized the party" 2. A girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved; "his girlfriend kicked him out"
  11. D

    2nd Chance?

    Unless she now sees you as a LJBF (I doubt this), you have MORE than every chance, of COURSE she likes you! Hook up with her before it's too late again!
  12. D

    Who's right: me or my friend?

    Hmm... It's bad that you let her know how much it affected you, don't let it get to you too much... However answering your question... YOU were the most right... she DID treat you bad...
  13. D

    im in a big dillema here help plz!

    Act friendly, make jokes (jokes are good to getting people friendly/comfortable), act as much as you were before as possible, you know, she could even be thinking the same thing as you...
  14. D

    Best Internet pickup tactic EVER!

    Huh? What's wrong with this tip... It's pretty good, but I agree, all of the annoyed chicks you have to blow off... Here's a better idea, make a MySpace, make yourself sound attractive as f*** (by being CF in your interests etc.), put yourself as 18 (I think you have to for full public...
  15. D

    Become A Don Juan

    Becoming a Don Juan is not an easy task for everybody, it takes a certain amount of skill, of understanding, you need a bit of the know-how, and the only way you are going to get in the know-how, is by reading, learning and then practicing your new found abilities. Believe In Youself...