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  1. P


    i used to drink lots of milk when i was younger, but now i barely drink a glass a week i guess i should just try getting more sleep if i dont grow ill just deal with it thanx anyways
  2. P


    hey guys i haven't been on here in a while but i just found a site can anyone tell me what they think of their methods for growing taller im currently 15 (turning 16 in a month) and im 5'8" looking to gain a couple of inches do you think this'll help
  3. P

    The official Acne thread [Merged threads]

    iight i will try to get more sleep, cuzz i have noticed its improved my skin but i have to get up by 5:30 and if i go to bed to early i cant get to sleep till around 12:00 which defeats the purpose is there anyhting that could help me go to sleep when i want it too besides pills for...
  4. P

    The official Acne thread [Merged threads]

    thanks although im already doin 3/4 of those things actually i have started changin my pillowcase but ive noticed that when i applied neosporin, it cleaned up my face a bit as well as hydrogen peroxide so i figured i'd put the two together
  5. P

    The official Acne thread [Merged threads]

    acne question i read the other thread on acne, but my problem is i dont have enough money to get benzoyl peroxide, eryacne,& jojaba oil do you think i could substite hydrogen peroxide and, neosporin
  6. P


    iight, i got grindin down, last question... anyone got any tips on dancin by urself
  7. P


    iight, and can someone help me with frontal grinding, do i do the same thing i do when in the back or ...
  8. P


    can anyone give me like the basics, cuzz i think im doing it right, but i always feel a little awkward and i think about it too much
  9. P


    iight im gonna make this as short as possible basically, since its springtime, ive been goin to more parties, but ive got one problem, i cant really dance, more specifically , i cant grind, can anyone help// give me some tips
  10. P

    new move, i think

  11. P

    new move, i think

    iight, thnx, i really didnt read any books or anything, i kinda went jus from sites like these but does anyone reccomend a book that i should read first
  12. P

    new move, i think

    i didnt mean jus in a club for a few minutes, i was thinking more along the lines of givin her sumthin before u leave so she'll be thinking about u until u a lot, till u decide to call or sumthin
  13. P

    Is this you?

    yea , thats like almost exactly what happened to me but the only difference is that im slowly getting back to tha norm, but i still feel like im not what i used to be
  14. P

    new move, i think

    alright so this is like my first post and i am only a freshman but, that doesnt mean im not good when it comes to girls so u shud believe me when i say, i know what im doin anyways i wanted to share this new move i was workin on, im not sure if its been 'invented' yet, but anyway...