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  1. R

    When ****blockers are friends

    i know the feeling man. im not sure if that annoys me as much as my friend that will slap random girls asses next to their boyfriends and blame it on me tho lol cuz i would rather out talk an afc friend then have to talk myself out of a fight
  2. R

    Touchout's Goal: Get laid before college!

    dude don't sweat it. my friend had and i have the same goal as you, and he just lost his virginity last night to some random girl that we met at a concert a week before. (it did help him that she tracked him down on facebook tho) if i do say so myself, i as well am bound to lose my virginity...
  3. R

    A sort of...Approach Journal

    sounds good for you then. good luck!
  4. R

    Emo haircut

    :up: scene girls are hot! i agree with everyone else, you dont wanna get a bad haircut. maybe what you could do is get it cut and have it like that for a couple of days and um "test drive" it. then get it cut again so it doesnt look goofy as hell.
  5. R

    A sort of...Approach Journal

    it could be a good thing for you, unless its a bit of a joke. our school rarely gets a serious person to win homecoming or winter court. last year the homecoming king had to weigh at least 350lbs! the band is the cause of all of it tho, so idk if the situation is similar or different at your school.
  6. R

    Girlfriends birthday... :o what to get her?!!?

    give her buttsecks actually you might want to talk to some of her friends for ideas on what to get her, because idk how reliable the answers will be that you will get from here (well my answers at least)
  7. R

    what to do next

    well i called her up and shes goin out of town friday and asked me to call her saturday to check if shes back, she definitely seemed interested tho :) hey and if she isnt interested and im just being led on, hers was not the only phone number i got last saturday ;)
  8. R

    For you HS Seniors: What college are you going to?

    KU school of engineering baby
  9. R

    what to do next

    heres the situation: i was at this party on saturday night and i got to talkin with this real cute chick near the end. i had no time to do anything else other than ask her her number and then i had to leave :( its monday now and i havent attempted to make contact with her. what should i do? ask...