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  1. C


    Thanks, that is pretty solid advice. Hopefully we can avoid the restraining order but it beats being stalked.
  2. C


    Well i totally cut her off and it has only gotten worse. Now she calls me all weekend (even though she has a new boyfriend and he is with her, heard him in the background on one of the messages she left) I don't answer. She runs into to friends of mine and the local bar and wants to know where i...
  3. C

    Is cheating ok

    You have been with this girl for 2 years. Are you sure your not in love with the idea of her being there and meeting your needs instead of actually in love with her? I would say prob the later if your considering cheating on her. At your age there is nothing wrong with wanting to explore and not...
  4. C

    Women asking for your number

    I'm thinking I agree with you there. Not sure if it was the question i was asked or the 10 prescription bottles on the dresser. I know they all have snakes in their heads but I think this one has more than most.
  5. C

    Women asking for your number

    I was thinking just casual sex too. But that second night, same night she got my number, before we went to sleep she asked me if I wanted to be her boyfriend. In my shock I just told her we would see. The card idea sounds good though. This is a girl that I wld love to have a casual sex thing...
  6. C

    Women asking for your number

    The other weekend on a Friday night I met this woman. I hooked up we went to her place I got up the next morning and left. The next night I arrive at this bar with a bunch of the guys and there she sits with some guy (which she later called a pitty date). I make eye contact and say hello but...
  7. C


    In a way I guess she did. I could tell she wasn't happy. Which then made me unhappy and then we decided to be friends. Which I now know was stupid, between getting ticked off when we have hung out, along with things I have read on this site. I should have just put her in the rd. But I find...
  8. C


    Why wld an X girlfriend (about a 2 month relationship) who is now in her second relationship since give a crap about what I do? Last I get questioned as to why my truck was seen in a certain girls driveway at 6am Sunday morning. This week I told she has heard i am dating a particular girl...
  9. C

    New to the DJ need some advice....

    Spin more plates?
  10. C

    New to the DJ need some advice....

    There is this woman that I am intrested in but I am not sure exactly what I should do at this point. A little back ground......We grew up in the same town. She is about 4 years younger than me and we did really hang in the same circle. I knew who she was b/c my sister is the same age. About a...