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  1. Q

    Don Juans Everywhere!

    USA / Oregon/ ******ton Edit: lol, it won't let me say the name of my city! How about "Suburb West of Portland". Freakin' hilarious! What kind of PC freaks create a dating forum, then ban the use of words that can be used to refer to a woman's body parts?! Well, that made me laugh :D
  2. Q

    I'm still stuck in AFC mode. HELP!

    That's your call, man. I'm not saying to go around acting like a prick to women that can mess up your life, I'm just saying that worrying about it isn't going to help you in this. If your outlook changes, and you don't like the result, then it is up to you to do something about it, or not. You...
  3. Q

    I'm still stuck in AFC mode. HELP!

    Get away from your current social circle, that way there will be fewer consequences if you screw up or piss off a piece of tail, man. One thing to realize: Women get their feelings hurt a lot more easily than we do, there's no way to avoid it. Her feelings will be hurt if you say "Good...
  4. Q

    Proximity Alert

    "Proximity Alert"? Maybe, but it's good that you approached. you have New in your name, so I am assuming you haven't spent much time studying up on more than some of the basics; if I'm wrong then my post still might help someone else. You did good talking to the girl, but set a goal for what...
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    not proud, but sharing anyway

    Redpill's got it right, man. She's dangerous, because she can affect your life in a negative way. There are consequences if you mess this one up, so you are taking a life lesson: Don't sh!t where you eat. I'm not saying it is the perfect idea, but if your game gets blown out of the water...
  6. Q

    Has anyone ever just given up?

    I tried to take a couple of years off from dating. I have been focusing on getting my degree, getting my life in order, getting healthy again, all that crap... I've also been learning about and focusing on the art of pick-up, just getting the basics down cold, and I tell you what, chixdiggit...
  7. Q

    Objective: Drafting ALL you Guests Readers!

    I'm new. Then again, I signed up before I saw this thread. ;)
  8. Q

    make the ho say no

    If you positively have to call back many times, send her a number page, it's an option on most voicemails. If she doesn't respond, then it really might be time to move on. Vulpine made a point that is really good: Sometimes, the best thing to do is nothing.
  9. Q

    Possible to be too funny?

    It's a great question, and you have to remember to touch the girls and build good kino, and always remember to escalate your relationship as you enjoy making the girls laugh. If you are having a good time, and building attraction, having her laugh and bond with you emotionally is not going to be...