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  1. T

    I like older woman(cougars etc) I dont think thats a problem?

    Guys this is more for your opinion then advice and is more of me stating the obvious(lol). Is it wrong(not morally) for a younger guy to be attracted to an older woman.(Say cougar status-30-40 chics.) Dont get me wrong, I like chics I own age and younger(27 male here) but I find older chics are...
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    Chatting with this chick?

    Hey Guys: Me and this chick swapped each others numbers. She gave me hers without hesitation(I never asked.) Everytime I call her she is always busy and says she will call me back-but never does. However, there have been times when she gave me a ring and had some decent conversations(ex...
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    Ugh.. This Girl

    Hey guys me again. This girl who lives in my neighbourhood had originally turned me down for a date Saturday night.(Something casual-a bite to eat.) Of course I was dissapointed but didnt tell her. She had gotten back to me later this evening and asked me if I wanted to go for coffee on Saturday...
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    She changed the date... Does that put me at the disadvantage

    For the record: she offered the dinner and drinks idea. Then she changed it coffee. But ugh! Man i know 100 % where you are coming from based on the 21 year old female demographic. I been flaked out on a few when I was in college and 21 myself. She lives in my neighbourhood in a city. I see her...
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    She changed the date... Does that put me at the disadvantage

    Obsidian: Sorry man, didnt realize it. She just said at a later date: she brought up the offer herself. She is on my MSN contacts. However, never gave a specific time. I am with you, very skeptical and on the border(ex. say to hell with calling her back.) Cheers! Tomcat.
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    Guys who are persistent and "wear down" a woman

    Isnt this similiar to the needy, nice guy behavior-the male who suffers from oneitis all the time? Thats my take on it. Cheers!
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    Using alcohol to help your game

    Dont use alcohol-doesnt work-simple as that.
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    She changed the date... Does that put me at the disadvantage

    Dear DJ's I recently asked this chick out and was supposed to take her out to dinner Satuday. Me: I am working( age 27) and She is in college(age 21). She was for it until last night(Thursday.) She cancelled saying she had to pay her tuition for college. However she wants to go to coffee...
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    Crashing A Frat Party...At 25!

    Yeah.. 25 is retirement age-lol... i dont think they will pay attention to it. Have fun and go with the flow.
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    Random Chic?!

    random chic contd Hey guys... Dont think I did. I just said " If your interested want to do something you are free". However, I also mentioned if she wasnt interested "just take a pass and no worries" and she said in exact words" sounds like a good idea" and she has traded emails back and...
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    Wants your attention. Avoid her.
  12. T

    Nice Guy

    Man. Stop all what your doing with women and do what the previous threads told you. Women will see through your BS and walk all over you. It happened to me when I was younger and I stopped!! Stop right now or you will learn some hard lessons!!!
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    Random Chic?!

    Hey Guys: Asked this random chic I met over msn to go to a movie, we never met in person and there is an age gap( me 26 she 20.-no biggie with me). We gel online and was hoping this experience could translate in person Anyways, I asked her and she "seems" interested, but she is taking her...
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    Major help needed

    Don Juans(especially the Seniors/Masters): I need your help. Ya see here is the seniario(spelling?) I was at this pub with this bud of mine for a few pops. Out of my eye I see this older cutie of a woman. Both of us(me and woman) where drunk by the end of the night and I asked here to get...
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    Need Help With A Waitress

    Dear Guys: I need some advice. I have gone this Sports/Stadium bar to work on business plan for college. To make this story short their is this cute waitress who works there that has caught my attention. She seen me before(from university in another town) and has asked about the...
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    are girls hypocrites or am I dense-Pick One

    Hey Guys, First of all, I did everything right asking out this girl in my class(posture, confidence) she said was in a relationship-I was dissapointed but of couse s**t happens, just add it to the pile. This other girl, while she considers me a friend and "Nice Guy, Not A Nerd"-everytime...
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    its officially i can't close the deal

    Hey Guys, First of all I have a confession, with this girl/about girls. The confession is I cannot close the deal and ask her to go out with me, I am trying, but i keep freezing up, getting bad nerves. I can have a normal conversation with her,(as with other girls in my class), i smile, nod...
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    slipping her my number

    Dear Fellow DJs, DJ's in training and Sarges, I need some more advice before I make this move. There is this girl in my class that a planning to ask out ( and eventually nail). However, she is crowded by a group of people, or never in my class. I know the methods, and not to over...
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    Who here has really improved?

    I am in some areas like you said: i have gone to the gym 7 days a week know, I have gotten more confident in myself and am more popular then ever(making friends). More independent-living on my own at school away from family (out of province) The area I need improvement is women: I am starting to...
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    Hit an alltime Low

    Dear Everyone: I need some advice when dealing with girls at the bar. For example, last night I was chilling with some friends at a bar night when girl asked me to a club. As a result I ended up ditching my friends and going after her-bad idea! When I go to the club she doesn't pay that...