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  1. M

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Hey guys. Had this relationship for almost 6 years and ended it because I saw that we weren't sharing the same goals anymore. Started the NC tactic and got she begging for contact. Any form of communication you name it, she tried. She went bipolar at some points, where sometimes she was angry...
  2. M

    exercise after donating blood

    I remember one time I've donated blood. Shortly after donating, I went to the gym and started my weight routine... I couldn't do my best, since I was feeling a little weakened, but I didn't had any problem... Only felt a little air-headed...
  3. M

    Stop drinking from plastic bottles!

    It's kinda hard to keep the plastics off... Nowadays everything is wrapped on plastic... There's plastic everywhere!! Although I don't agree with what Doggystyle said, he have a point... It will not kill all testosterone in your body... You wont grow titties if you drink from plastic...
  4. M

    AFCing...and it sucks

    Hey man. Chill up. It seems that these "friends" aren't really friends... It seems that they say these things near you just to brag about themselves and bring your self-steem down, while feeling superior to someone (raising her self-steem)... Unless of course, that they don't know you're a...
  5. M

    Hang Out W/girls ALONE?

    Why care about your friends? If they are not around, make new ones.
  6. M

    Is it possible to change the wuss she knows to a real man?

    resilient said it. Go out more, date other women. You don't need to change with this girl. You can still be a sweet and nice guy, but make her miss you. The problem with AFCs is that they have a self-steem so low that he tries to win the attention from women with gifts, compliments and such...