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    Is Being Tall an Advantage?

    Being tall is a huge advantage. Especially being horizontally tall.;)
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    drug question...

    Because that's the first step to addiction. If you're philosophy is "I swear I'll just use it this one time so I can talk to this one chick and that will be it" then that is foolish. Because you will like the results, and you will do it again. Before you know it, you will have to use it as a...
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    *** Today I Realized... ***

    I have that problem too. Wait awhile before you rub one out, and it will fix the problem.
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    This is why you should work out!

    Women gawk at big men because that is how we are socially conditioned. Being in the military, I take a more unorthodox approach. Big muscles won't give you long life. Muscles at their peak of functionality and a healthy heart and lungs will. I train my body for endurance first, then strength...
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    i really should of known better

    DasaniWater Posts: 157 Anyone else see the irony?
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    Fashion and style section

    Yes I will feel better. It's my wallet that I'm worried about though. It's been getting light lately!
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    Fashion and style section

    I found a polo shirt at Wal Mart for 10 bucks that looked exactly the same as a polo shirt from a designer store for $30-$40. They both lasted the same amount of time. Both look the same. Both are made from the same material. The only difference? The expensive shirt has a logo on it. Says Chap...
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    Tucson, AZ

    Bump. I'm in the Tucson area.
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    Approaching a pool full of girls?

    Show them your Mooney. If that doesn't work, here's what I* would do. Instead of approaching all 5, I would approach one. Find one girl that strikes your fancy. I'm assuming all these chicks are friends. Then just go and jump in and start talking to her. Show a genuine interest in what she...
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    Is there any good music nowadays?

    Very few bands nowadays meet my standards of good. But like a dumbass I listen to them anyway! There's just nothing like the guitar in Enter Sandman.
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    Need some advice

    Hooah Mr. Flames! I'm the most carefree motherfkr that I know! I'm always smilin' and jokin. I like your first parapgraph. Didn't think of it in that parameter. It got my mind rollin. I didn't get that vibe from her though. It seemed like she was afraid I was going to rape her or something...
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    Need some advice

    Hola compadres. First time posting here so don't be too harsh! I just got out of a horrible 2.5 year relationship/engagement 3 months ago. This b**** cheated on me 3 times and was mentally fcked up (Bi polar type). So I kicked her to the curb. I am also in the military. 11 Bangbang for any of...