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  1. Y

    Picture Thread

    haha your posts just go right over my head. Whats funny?
  2. Y

    Picture Thread

    This is the pic I posted on Hot or Not the other week suprised it got a 9.6 as I'm wearing **** clothes (stupid hat haha) and not smiling etc.
  3. Y

    Picture Thread

    If you have a issue about posting your picture your either, a) Worried about the whole rape, stalk thing that can happen sometimes when someone talks to someone else tey don't know online, or b) your just insecure about your looks and aren't everything you proclaim to be. Seriously, if I was...
  4. Y

    Picture Thread

    lol, sorry?
  5. Y

    Picture Thread

    Post a picture of yourself in this thread. (not seen a picture thread on this forum so thought I'd make one. Also saw someone else suggest it before) I'll post mine in about an hour when I'm on a computer with pics of me.
  6. Y

    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    I just posted a picture of myself on Hot or Not the other day and much to my suprise got a rating 9.4-9.6. It's a bad picture of me (Ie not smiling, **** clothes) but much to my suprise it got an average of about 9.5 (slight variations over the course of the week) Now I realise that people on...
  7. Y

    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    I agree 50% of the time when I look in the mirror I have a LOT of confidence in myself and I feel I can pull any girl I want, where as 25% of the time I think the opposite, the other 25% of the time I think somewhere between the two. I want to have that confidence 100% of the time which is...