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  1. J

    Leave A Messege On Phone

    I'm going to call back 2 women I number closed on Saturday night. If I get a machine should I leave a message? How many times should I call before leaving her alone? :rolleyes:
  2. J

    Sarging: Solo or w/ wingman?

    I want to know if I should recruit my friend as a wingman. He's 25, good looking but not very talkative. He likes clubs rather than bars but he has drive to go out but he also has a girlfriend he's mad at which is why he goes out on the weekends. I already gave him a 'talk' about his bad...
  3. J

    Any good wingman stories?

    I've had bad experiences with wingmen but I wanna hear (or get links to) stories that have results.
  4. J

    KINO right off the bat?

    Just came back from the club where this girl passes me with her friends and gives me heavy eye contact and as she leaves I grab her hand and asked for her name. She's smiling and gives it to me and then I mess it up by asking her "who she was attracted to, my friend or me?" She tells me it was...
  5. J

    Where should I go for a 1st date?

    Number closed at a bar this Saturday. Called her monday afternoon for a date but I didn't know where to go. So I have to call back when I figure something out. She's in the city until Sunday and then goes back home. Any advise I was kinda of pushing for a wednesday lunch but I really...
  6. J

    Did she want sex?

    last man standing? Are you saying I should of gamed her more? I just backed off because I couldn't read her anymore and I didn't know what to say.
  7. J

    Did she want sex?

    Went solo sarging on my way home on the subway. Saw a cute blonde wearing a red long sleeve blouse, tight grey jeans, and low heels on the platform. I past the 3 second rule and gave up until she noticed me checking her out. At that point she started to fix her hair and walk around behind me...
  8. J

    Girl Has Bf But Doesn't Mention Bf

    I'm finding my inner C&F and used it last week. I just finished hosting a major event so I was on cloud 9 feeling like god. I went up to a co-worker and gamed her in front my friends and even did a location change. The next day we talked in my office. Looked her up on and she has...
  9. J

    Asking 4 Date W/ Email

    story girl flirts with me at work I ask her to ask me out (C&F) Laughs then says she has a BF and says I'm to young for her. week later see approaches me at a cafe. we exchange emails so she can attend my film premiere (value) I emailed her with a C&F approach and gave her the premiere...
  10. J

    ****y Funny Is Awesome!

    I would like your thoughts on my story. I'm a 26 year old man that went out bar hopping alone this past weekend. At the first bar I chatted up this older women (late 30's) who after a minute of talking told me "sit next to me, I wont' bite". We talked about how it was bad for me to...
  11. J

    My experiences with Cold Approaches, Myspace and CLubbing

    I HOPE SKIP IS RIGHT The previous night I scouted out the clubs at this strip. After visiting the major night spots I found the club with the craziest college chicks. I was amazed at the seeing the girls grinding like crazy. I, of course, stuck out like a sour thumb because I was gawking...
  12. J

    I'm A Jerk And Girls Love It

    I'm coming to terms that being ****y helps attracting women. I've gotten dates and major IOI's from females since I've read the game a year ago. The only thing is that I'm only beginning to NOT feel guilty about being C&F. Anyone out there feels the same way? C&F stories: 1. At my...
  13. J

    Protocol For Post-rejection: Part Ii

    thanks Thanks brother. I will go for 'control' because I see that as intelligent and powerful.:up:
  14. J

    Protocol For Post-rejection: Part Ii

    You fellas have been really helpful with your tips for my 'rejection' thread but I have faultered or at least I think I have. The story is that I got rejected by this girl at my university before summer break but besides whinning about it I decided to make her my catalyst for my game. During...
  15. J

    I'm Afraid To Kino

    I'm afraid to kino. I've got the 3 second rule down. I have my ****y funny routine but I back out when it's time to kino even with IOI's. I'm sure it's rejection I fear so some advise would be greatly appreciated. I want to be prepared for this girl I've been hanging out with whose been...
  16. J

    When a girl wants to be gamed

    I was on campus today walking to my car when a four set passed by me. Short skirts and all. One of them dropped a book and her and her friend took a peek at me. We locked eye's for 2 second then I was off to my car thinking how attractive they were but I let the moment pass and they were...
  17. J

    "the Game" Is Just A Game

    Tonight i went out with a mission to chat people up. My opener was a magic trick. It worked like half the time but the point was that I communicated with people. I only 2 rejection out of 6 people. I went to women and men, groups and singles, it didn't matter. With 2 I had a post-trick...
  18. J

    To lay or not to lay/ progress.

    Had sex once about 4 years ago.
  19. J

    To lay or not to lay/ progress.

    Early this summer I was hitting up the clubs for 3 weekends in a row. The third weekend I could feel that I was going to get laid. Guess what, I didn't but I did get as far as the girls house. I blew it in the cab ride because I started a discussion about 9/11. I was soooo stupid because she...
  20. J

    Bourne's Journal of Approaches and Life - need feedback

    Were In The Same Situation I'm a RAFC. I used to live in NYC and was a social machine until I got my heart broken. I backed up my bags and headed back home. It took me 2 years to let her go. Now I'm 26 and back at a University and going for my bachelors. My first semester at the university...