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  1. K

    Bootcamp Week 3

    i did about 8/10. One of them was a Blow Job. 2 Girls and Me. One was kissing me, other one was giving me a blow job. I'll go out tonight and do the last ones i need ;) and also continue with week 3 tonight.
  2. K

    Boot Camp Week 2

    Cant tell you the exact words from each approach, because i dont remember them. Did 4 approaches, all girls. 4/10
  3. K

    BOOT CAMP WEEK 1 (starting 6th July)

    Did my 50/50 tonight with impact. He also got 50/50. GoGoGo.
  4. K

    BOOT CAMP WEEK 1 (starting 6th July)

    Did about 6 Hi's today, 2 of them were approaches which went quite good. Makes a total of 33 right now.
  5. K

    BOOT CAMP WEEK 1 (starting 6th July)

    Did about 16 Hi's tonight. Got some smiles and Hi's back. Was quite funny =) 27 right now.
  6. K

    BOOT CAMP WEEK 1 (starting 6th July)

    Yesterday i was out with a very cool Wingman, i did about hm.. i think 10 Hi's. Maybe i got 4 or 5 Hi's back, but most of them didnt recognize that i greeted them. Today i was at a bath, there werent much opportunities for me because there were just girls under 10 years ;) I got 2 more hi's...