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    When 2 "Alphas" claim their space??

    Ghengis Kahn: Depends on the situation. If you HAVE TO show dominance that you must invade their space enought that the girls notices, but in a relaxed way, just basically let the guy know you are "showing off" thourgh body language, as soon as he sees/feels what you are doing he will recognize...
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    Dancing necessary?

    Anyone here take salsa classes or any sort of commercial programs? I will make sure to watch people dancing and mimic in front of mirror. What percentage of guys know how to dance anyone know?
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    Gettn UGS numbers (6 & below)

    What up everyone Gotta question: Is it worth gettn a UGS # even if I have no intention of calling, for practice? Situation:Male cologne counter FILENES, BIG ASS nice face. Not my type. Diffently alot of EC, she gave me a free everlast bag with CHROME purchase. I made the three point shake...
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    Mic. Fiend's 50 Approaches Journal - Feeback Wanted

    hey thx bro, its funny because people give me the name action jackson because my name is jackson. Girls thought I was a player because of my name when I was really a AFC lol. Anyways man keep approaching and I will keep watching. thx 4 those linx
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    Dancing necessary?

    Allright guys how important is dancing? I go to clubs and parties where dancing is REQUIRED in which I pull off if only for a short time. I have white boy disease........... I can dance with glow sticks VERY WELL and can do a little popping and liquid because of my rave experiences. I find...
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    Mic. Fiend's 50 Approaches Journal - Feeback Wanted

    Whats up man a AFC readin your approaches I like seeing the progression of you starting to have some fun. I plan on starting a journal of my own.A few questions for you: Did you complete the DJ bootcamp? Do you find it hard to pick up girls or approach girls in a bar/club enviornment? And any...
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    Connecticut anyone ?

    You guys do any sargin around here?
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    BOOT CAMP WEEK 1 (starting 6th July)

    Should I start today ot wait a week? I read the course info a couple weeks ago. Sould I start with all of you so I have extra "support"?
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    How do you get off ground 0?

    Dont completely lie, tell half truths. THe only one that should be able to tell your game is your friends, and ex's. Just stay away from ex's and have good friends and they should never know. If you are looking at LTR then be carefull about what you say, not your body language.
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    Connecticut anyone ?

    Anyone know of conecticut mail group,etc..? (LAIRS mention of CT) in case you guys dont know has wingman connection(P.A.I.R.) Saw about 30 from CT)
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    Making a friend (girl) in to a 'wingman'

    I think it is not possible to get her to be a wingwoman. I am not even going to try that path, though she has mentioned she wouldnt mind me acting as a buffer(sheild her from creepy guys) at a club or something. I think she would jsut end up cb'n. BacardiGuy- I have tried working this a...
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    Making a friend (girl) in to a 'wingman'

    What up everyone this is the deal This girl and I have been friends for 5 years or so. She is my best friend and I would die for her.I dont want to lose her as a friend. She likes me alot, but I dont like her in a romantic way. I get head all the time and she enjoys giving it (daily or every...