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  1. Y


    Yeah... That would be a good idea. Thanks for the reply... I am really not looking forward to this, but you gotta do what you gotta do, and I want a revolution, soo.... onward bound!!!
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    *specs weight: 220 height: around 5 feet 7 1/2 inches... ---------- This summer I am trying to lose some weight. I know that in 6-8 weeks you can see a difference and thats all I am looking for in my return to school. I mean I will continue to work out. But I was just wondering what...
  3. Y

    Myspace Can Help

    I saw ur picture on myspace, please create the appropiate rock hand gesture... The thumb holds the two middle fingers down, that is protection from the evil eye, your sign you are making has no significance in any pop culture or retro culture of our time, except those stupid rapper that makes...
  4. Y


    I might be visiting tampa, this summer... I don't know that yet though. This is either my summer of revolution, being a new DJ, or my summer of fun.
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    help me get this girl out of my head

    sounds like a severe case of oneitis... Her memory will fade, just ignore her if at all possible. She is not fit for you. You are way to good for her. Keep that mindset. The way you were talking it seems that she really was the one that screwed up. Just know that there are plenty of fish...
  6. Y

    ive been a$$ raped

    PLEASE STOP TAKING THESE GIRLS TO THE MOVIES! I know they have to be tired of this, show her how original you guys are... PLEASE! and take her somewhere no highschooler would ever take a date. the ZOO
  7. Y


    No offense taken.. i know My t-shirts are not too big, and I know my shoes aren't that bad. But I don't see the need to prance around with my hair gelled up. I almost never gel my hair. and I don't think I will continue. But Belt Buckle isn't a bad idea, I have been wanting one for while.
  8. Y


    I own two pairs of shoes, I wear one to school, one to work... My school shoes are not blindingly white nor shiny and brand new... Most of my jeans have holes. (which is conveniant because that is 'in-style') My wardrobe essentially consist of approximately 7 t-shirts, and a few shorts and...
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    too good looking?

    or they will spend all year gauking at you, and wait till the end of the year to tell there friend, who tells you, that they 'WERE' in LOVE with you all year long. frustrating...
  10. Y

    What to do with her?

    i dunno man... take her to the zoo???