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  1. B

    When she writes after a month

    This girl I saw for a short bit just writes to me after a month without any contact. She just asks me how I'm doing. I hate that part. We just went out for a month before she said "she needed to take a step back, couldn't be in a relationship". Altough she was totally into me at first, her...
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    Drunk girl who once ljbf'ed me

    ...Tried to kiss me tonight. She was drunk out of her mind, lying on the ground at an outdoor party with a girl friend of hers. We're good friends but she ljbf'ed me about a year ago. I never tried anything since then. But tonight when she saw me she suddenly started being overtly...
  3. B

    Should I pay

    Well I actually agree with you both except during our first date we ended up talking about this particular dish that a nearby restaurant is reknowed for. Neither of us has tried it yet and we both want to. So when came time to think about a second date idea I obviously thought about this. Then I...
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    Should I pay

    Alright, I know this question has been asked often but I'm still not sure about how to go in these situations. Had a first date with a girl, it went great, we kissed at the end of the night and she's obviously into me. The date was a drink and a show. Even if I'm not the old fashioned type and...
  5. B

    Girl won't dance with me

    So I have this female friend who I spend a lot of time with. We talk on the phone a lot, go see music shows, have dinner and hang out a lot. I'd say we're close. The only thing that bugs me is that whenever we're at a bar or a club together, she won't dance with me. Say after having spent an...
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    Walking away: advice needed

    Thanks Obie. But like I said, cutting her off completely is unfortunately not an option. Anyone who could read the thing till the end?
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    Walking away: advice needed

    Warning: long a$$ story. I’ve been totally love with a friend/colleague of mine for the past 3-4 months (yes, one-itis). Met her in February, we became friends and colleagues pretty much at the same time. I work for a magazine, I hired her because she’s very competent and can’t believe since...