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  1. U

    I ****ed up.... don't EVER make my mistake

    yep You put the pvssy on a pedestal
  2. U

    Absolutely Revolutionary!!!

    BL portrays your dominance before you begin a conversation. Once you master your AR your body seems to learn that you are more important and follows through with attractive (dominant) body language. This stuff makes interactions with girls and people in general so much easier. YOU BECOME MORE...
  3. U

    Absolutely Revolutionary!!!

    thanks for the article miguel I suppose we are the same in that the philosophical part of the game fascinates me. Techniques are all fine and dandy but the motivation behind them is key. Please post more articles and AR related stuff and UNIFYING THEORY if you have it, my friend
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    Absolutely Revolutionary!!!

    HAHA macgyver u freak I knew someone immature would make fun of the religious analogy I am not a very religious person i was just trying to make a point sarge on
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    Absolutely Revolutionary!!!

    MORE EXPLANATION Chapter 3 - Awareness/Analysis Radius Changing the subject, I want to talk about another part of our brain.. the part that keeps track. There are two tools our brain uses to function. One is our intelligence, the thing that finds the quickest path from point A to point...
  6. U

    Absolutely Revolutionary!!!

    MORE: using AR to get what you want BY KILLSWICH This is something I don't like using, it severely cheapens the benefits of social relationships.. but really this is the key to getting anything you want from people. Manipulating people is the easiest thing in the damned world. Anyone...
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    Absolutely Revolutionary!!!

    link: "BY KILLSWICH on mASF board Advanced section" here some ill post more wow this is kind of exiting. I've been thinking about this a lot since it was brought up, and I think it's important to lay out exactly what we are talking about so we can approach it like true nerds. I think...
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    Absolutely Revolutionary!!!

    Thanks for the reply KHASH Its just that I am so excited by this stuff It litterally has the power to change the way you see the world When you become the center of your universe you are unstoppbale
  9. U

    Absolutely Revolutionary!!!

    I cant say more for Killswitches AR awarness theory It is absolutely incredible Do you wanna feel differently about life in general immeadiantly........put this stuff into practice, i promise you will FEEL it almost instanly. It has to do with you awarness radius, what you percieve and pickup...