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  1. S

    "Natural" friend, actually an AFC?

    That makes a lot of sense, it's him and it works for him. As far a picking his brain, I do that for places to go, things to do, and his suggestions there are very good to at least get me into a frame where I can make decisions on what I what want do or take her or whatever. His advice about...
  2. S

    "Natural" friend, actually an AFC?

    You're right, this guy is obviously not an AFC, and I would never call a good friend of mine a chump anyway. I guess my point was that the advice he gave me was something I would expect from an AFC, (I am not saying that I am not one myself, some of the time) and I can get that kind of advice...
  3. S

    "Natural" friend, actually an AFC?

    Hey guys, I don't post here very often, but i do visit and try to learn new things. I have a friend that I've known for years that's I've always considered a natural with women. He has always had girls interested in him/chasing him/doing him; I have never seen him have to sarge a girl, or...
  4. S


    Yup, you and me both, I have dark hair and features as well. If I shave, not so many looks; a few days later many more looks! Although, they could be looking because I look like a dirty bum when I don't shave... who really cares why they look as long as they do.:cool:
  5. S

    New to Forum

    Thats some f'in good advice, exactly what I was looking for. Thanks dude.
  6. S

    New to Forum

    Thanks man. I've definately been considering the boot camp. I am in no way looking for an instant fix. I know that this stuff doesn't come over night; it took me years to learn how to be a good fisherman, I don't see this as any different. I guess what I'm really looking for is a "push"...
  7. S

    New to Forum

    Hi guys, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm new on this forum, but have been visiting and this forum for about 2 years now. Great stuff! It's done a lot of good for me as far as how I view myself and females. I now carry myself with confidence, and I'm proud to be who I am...