Search results

  1. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #5

    ocean, masf & shark sounds good. will give us a new perspective. finally got the 10/10 rejections i estimated that about 1 out of 3 gave me their number when i asked. (Although many stalled) & around 1 out of 3 approaches ended up in convos where it felt right to ask for her number...
  2. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #5

    thomas, for the pubs, you really need something way more interesting than just 'how are you". you must demonstrate high value. goto any peer to peer (eg: & download for free Mystery's "Venusian arts manual" it has all the canned openers & the full sequence necessary.
  3. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #5

    went out fri & sat night, got 2 rejection on fri & 1 on sat. nothing to write home about. i wasn't that keen on them anyway.
  4. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #5

    thomas, here's a world wide lair list to find wings in your area
  5. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #5

    Gentlemen! Finally, we have separated the wheat from the chaff. We are the elite squad of the bootcamp world. 4 out of over 40. thats pretty damn impressive. So lets do what we are trained to do! from what i can see, the upcoming weeks will be: 1. doing more of what we've already done...
  6. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #4

    Till Death Do Us Part! well at least till week 8 anyway. i'm in.
  7. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #4

    FINAL RESULTS have been out sarging 6 out of the last 8 nights, with wings from the sydney lair. so my approach anxiety has lowered dramatically. have been out day-sarging 2 days as well, which i actually find easier. got 4 successful # closes, but 2 staled (never answers). got 1 date...
  8. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #4

    FIELD REPORT (FULL VERSION) to local lair I went sarging last Friday night at the three wise monkeys in the city. It was the first time I went sarging with two other experienced PUA’s. The infamous T and Aladdin. And boy does it beat trying to sarge with your AFC buddies, or doing it solo...
  9. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #4

    i agree totally. its more the fear of looking stupid. REHEARSING ROUTINES: i am an actor by profession, so to memorise lines & scripts i use a video camera to watch my rehearsals. & i've been doing that for my PUA routine scripts too. i do it until it comes out of my mouth naturally, so...
  10. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #4

    TIME EXTENSION?? i agree with poohead, since every one seems behind anyway. & the oringinal BC gave 1 week for 10 rejections. also i think it may be better to keep the oringinal BC quotas as it was, since people are finding it hard enough to fulfill them. i think its better that we are...
  11. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #4

    FIELD REPORT when sarging lst night with 2 experience PUAs VERY EYE OPENING!! especially at how fast & easily they do it all. just constantly one after the other!! seek out your local community lair & find & watch these guys at work. it rubs off!!! # close 2 (success) HB8, irish...
  12. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #4

    ocean winder. can you let us know who is still in?
  13. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #4

    # CLOSE 1. (failed) i can't believe i tried to # close a hb8 air hostess, on a flight ,in front of her co-workers & passengers! i would never have done this before !! i felt so alpha even though it failed. I actually felt she liked me but she said she "doesn't do this at work". i should have...
  14. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #3

    FINAL RESULTS HB convos: 10/10 done finally! time consuming, but not that bad nerves wise, since i knew i wasn't going for a close, I was just treating them as buddies or casual acquaintances to talk to to. but i think next week going for the close will totally change the dynamic of the...
  15. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #3

    4/10 HB convos. I'm in hong kong this week for work, & the girls here aren't really my type. But still using them for practise anyway. One mental method i've been using to calm my nerves is say to myself that I've already got a girlfriend, & I'm just talking to you because I'm a friendly...
  16. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Hi assignment poll

    EC : very easy. Hi's: very easy if they give some EC back. it felt harder if they seemed like they were in their own world.
  17. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #2

    Final Results 15/15 convos completed as i said before this week seemed easier for me. either i am a chatter box, or australians are very friendly. my strategy was to talk to people who were a captive audience, & seemed bored. eg: standing waiting for a lift, standing in the lift, sitting...
  18. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #2

    4/15 conversations already!! for me, this is easier than the hi's. & they all seemed to enjoy someone friendly just starting a conversation. 1 was with a HB too!
  19. E

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

    Final Results EC: pretty much everyone i walk pass Hi: 50/50 as migel said "HABIT IS ALL". it seems to be almost a habit now to just be happy & nice to people when I'm walking around on the street!