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  1. M

    seduce every woman...

    Im trying to figure something out maybe u guys can lend ur opinions. I understand that socializing and being sociable with every woman you encounter is a must do but do you try to seduce each of these women even slightly? I find that if i dont want to have sex with a girl i talk to her as...
  2. M

    my biggest AFC moment - need advice

    next time something stupid like that happens remember that text messaging DOES NOT COUNT as communication. i wish u had posted this sooner cuz i would have told you to simply tell her that a friend of urs by the name of Sarah texted that to her on ur phone as a stupid sarcastic joke to get a...
  3. M

    Stubble or Clean Shaven

    I got this conflict of interests.... See i want to be as alpha as possible, and im having some problems. If i am clean shaven i look like im fricken 16.... and im in 3rd year university already considered young cuz im still 19. Is it a big deal to have a little stubble? i purposely trim...
  4. M

    Huge procrastinating problem and becoming a jerk

    "Procrastination is a lot like masterbation.... You're only screwing yourself!!"
  5. M

    Player vs Playette

    the reason why girls cannot be in MLTR is because if they get knocked up then who the ****s kid is it!?!??! If one of my gfs got pregnant id damn make sure it was my kid before i even talked to her again.
  6. M

    MISSION: Sarge Ontario

    well how do i find out about these lairs, whats ur personal experiences with hanging out with these people? are they all normal at least?
  7. M

    MISSION: Sarge Ontario

    no takers, i guess nobody goes to clubs on this board
  8. M

    MISSION: Sarge Ontario

    Guys, first id like to introduce myself. I'm a Student attending University of Laurier,(Waterloo,Ontario), and I am in the process of transforming myself from Chump to Champ. I've learned all the principles of PU's and want to master the art with fellow wingman. We've got all the information...