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  1. T


    that question is out of this forum's element.
  2. T

    LTRfear of intimacy

    wheres the don juan in being intimate, how do you be intimate, this is coming from a person with a fear of intimacy, i really dont know how, do i justreveal myslf more, for gods sakes its hard and im in a LTR, its killing me aah.
  3. T

    my girlfriend

    i had been incorporating the lessons on this site and many programs mainly DYD, my girlfriend used to be dying to talk to me etc, but at one point i regressed back to old habits and kindof fell back into my old mold a bit. i wussed out plain and simple, now she says she still loves me we have...
  4. T

    Toronto Dj Check In

    hery hj add me
  5. T


    if she can predict your unpredictability then your no being unjpredictable. delivery needs to be worked on or the way you are doing it
  6. T

    my girl smokes weed :(

    hey ive been dating this girl for a while, and yes we have a mutual love and care for one another. she has smoked ever sinc ei met her, ive even smoked with her, although ive always busted on her and teased her for doing so. she kind of knows i dont like her doing it, as i really dont like doing...