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  1. B

    If you don't laugh, you're dead!

    This has little to do with solving a problem, but telling a FUNNY event. At lunch, my friends and I were going over who we would bang if we had the chance. (Some of us with girlfriends had to keep it down...). Any way, one of my friends starting going on about a hot chick he liked. So we all...
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    Imagination gets chicks

    All this N-word garbage is hypocrisy! White people get called every name in the book, but they can't say certain words themselves, even jokingly? If people didn't want Whities using the N-word, they shouldn't develop a culture where every other word used is 'nigga'. Great post though, Dimebag.:D
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    Comic knows how it is

    As long as I don't get in trouble for advertising a site, I'll show you: Most are relationship oriented. If that link doesn't work, just type:
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    Comic knows how it is

    Don't say what this guys says:
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    Comic knows how it is

    This is an awesome comic. It sums up the truth in four panels.
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    Kissing during school?

    That reminds me of the time one of my friends banged his gf in a closet in the band room. After that, he never shut up with trumpet jokes. :crackup:
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    what should i give her for her bday

    War of the Worlds, on DVD. That movie ROCKS! It has som many creepy moments, it'll make any girl jump into your arms.
  8. B

    Giving a girl compliments............gone wrong.

    I thought you were kidding. Did you seriously say that?:eek:
  9. B

    Friends help Friends

    Get this: me and my gf and my friend were eating lunch. I hadn't given him any real advice yet, so I felt bad. The girl he was trying to ask out just walked up, gave him a hug from behind, and started talking to him. They exchanged numbers too. Turns out my gf had found out about my friend's...
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    Friends help Friends

    Alright, here is another advice thread. My best friend has been trying to hook up with a girl for almost two months. He's too nervous to straight up ask her, but he does an ok job flirting. I've told him just to be forward about it, and ask her for her number. But instead, he pulled the...
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    The Glory of Kino

    I've got to admit, I need a little advice with this one. Even when not flirting, she likes to mess around in a rough way. Dancing too. I'm not entirely sure how to escalate the Kino.
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    The Glory of Kino

    For those who didn't read my obvious early thread(I'll call it my "Jesus Christ, are you blind?" thread), I want to re-iterate a key fact to some people who are curious about a girl they know. The all important secret is...KINO! It doesn't matter how confident you act, how funny you are...
  13. B

    To flirt or not to flirt?

    I know, I know. I pulled some DJ stuff on her at a 'school function.' Can you say puddy? I didn't think it would be that easy. As for phrases in Danish, how about 'You are very attractive?' Or, 'Your hair looks nice.' You know, a compliment.
  14. B

    To flirt or not to flirt?

    You're right. Can someone slap me in the face, please? I'm going to get a drink. Then some glasses. Then her number. Want anything while I'm out?
  15. B

    To flirt or not to flirt?

    Alright, I've got a need for some help. There is an exchange student in my school who I like, but I'm not sure if she reciprocates. I'll list the signs I've seen: -She likes to talk to me. -We like to joke together. -She comes to me for help on her homework. -She playfully takes my hat and...