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  1. H

    Your mates

    check if ur friend still likes her.. if worse comes to worse, keep it really isnt that long as shes ok with it too... but either way id seee what ur friend would say....tell him i heard that that kid "insert name here" is trying to get with your girl...make it a...
  2. H

    Asking a girl to go out with you as a couple.

    oops If you mean asking a girl to hang out with you...yeh thats fine...Dont be like want to go out one day? they might take that the rong way.. Just be like hey you wanna hang out and get some food or smething? I always find bowling a good first date...You dont have to worry about much...
  3. H

    Asking a girl to go out with you as a couple.

    ... Dont ask a girl out right away, it never Hook up with the girl...hang out with her a few times, make sure shes intrested.. After about 2 3 weeks of hooking up and hanging out....Then you can ask her out if you'd life...Personally Id wait even longer then that(4 or 5...
  4. H

    One Last Shot

    toughy first off, i would say move on..but ive been in this situation before, and i know damn well that you wont move lets just cut to the chase! make her want you...find someone else and make her jealous..this always works, trust me on this its the best thing u can do...this will...
  5. H

    New Here- And a Problem

    bro...its not a problem with getting it up lol!! its a problem with staying with a girl..i want a relationship bad, but i just imagine those hollywood perfect relationships, and thats what i want.. and i cant get...and every girl that i do like, and want a relationship with, regardless of...
  6. H

    New Here- And a Problem

    Whats up, this is my first post...Hopefully not the last :)!!! Anyways...Im kinda with this girl, who I like... The problem is though, whenever i end up getting really close to a girl, the feelings just leave...I just stop liking her altogether...Once we start hooking up(and i dont mean...