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  1. M

    i a gal, wat does guy look out in a gal..

    yes english is a must ;)
  2. M

    I just asked a girl to homecoming

    dude thats crazy, lol anyways, that was cute, like something from the oc or something :rolleyes: *thinks of doing that* but its too late, my last HC has passed :(
  3. M

    Heres my dilemma...

    ok this is the first time im on these forums, made a few posts etc, it seems real nice. anyways, im a senior and i take Graphic Arts class at a seperate college (takes half the school day) and i go back to the regular school after i finish. so, im attracted to this girl that might...
  4. M

    I'm a ****ing sissy at fights

    JUST FUJKING DO IT, dont think too much plain and simple if you dont wanna start shti, then dont fight, say you dont want to start anything with him, etc
  5. M

    DJ material doesnt work ?

    i got almost to no experiance with girls, but it seems like that you take things a little too far, you should get to know her, etc. also, try to get her to talk to you or something, if she gives no signs she likes you, then move on... dont dig yourself in a hole, embarassing yourself...