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  1. I

    FR: Venue blowout - peacocking

    Tip: When you go out peacocking in an out of the ordinary or extreme way, social proof and strong reality are even more important. Here are the details. I have an old work shirt that has my name embroidered on it. In an experimental frame for the evening, I decided to wear it for...
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    AMOG'd :(

    First, leave his GF alone. By seeking revenge you are showing an outw ard sign that what he did got to you. To beat the amog out of your set you have to be UNAFFECTED. This applies afterward too, because you want to be totally congruent. Here's general advice for when an amog invades your...
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    ShyRyder's 36 approaches to the Next Level

    Thread comments Never tell a girl off. That's a personal reaction. The only reaction you want to display is a social reaction. In this case, the first thing that popped into my head was: “Be careful, that face you are making might stick” and smile and cut out (focus your attention...
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    FR - Stay in the set with this IOI

    2set, a HB8 and FB4. Rolled up to their table and JUST SAT DOWN (I love this opener, I've used it many times and it just works). Was running Natural Game, She did say Hi first and I just started to vibe with her. No patterns/routines except Pimp My Tractor (I love that on the country girls...
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    Easy Close - solid f-close on a previously aroused HB

    "You strike me as a lady that knows exactly what she wants" Details: Under certain circumstances you may catch signs from a HB that she is warmed and ready to hook-up without having to progress through the normal seduction methods. Note, this is not for the slutty girls that go right into...