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  1. D

    Called my girl cell, and some guy answered.

    sooo,.. the argument is going to sound like this. Him: who's that guy that said WRONG NUMBER! her: What guy? Him: that guy! her: what guy? blah blah blah OR! Him: Hi, i'm calling about a patient that checked in to your hospital at whatever time and am wondering if she is still...
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    My GF The Porn Nazi

    hahaha i'ma join u black italian. i've downloaded porn on my ex girl's comp too :crackup: you should get chris rock's album he talks about this, it's some funny funny sh!t. basically saying that women want to be responsible for ALL your happiness. and they rather you be miserable then...
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    Big Vagina's FR - 09/03/05

    you feel yourself getting cold before you have to approach a girl u don't know? got a blank look on your face and suddenly overly self concious about every part of your body? imagine how embarassing it's going to be in the next 10 secs after you say "hi" and she says "STFU, and Fu(k off!"...
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    Called my girl cell, and some guy answered.

    all you need to do is call up the hospital she says she's at and ask them. save everyone the embarassment.
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    Called my girl cell, and some guy answered.

    i swear some of u idiots are straight fu(ked in the head. this dude ask for a simple opinion and u idiots gotta make **** worst. how would YOU like if i i told you that the girl you love or loved was having another **** in her mouth. blew *** all down her damn throat so bad you can smell...
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    What was your WORST Approach Experience?

    was on a boat party about a year ago, i started giving this girl EC. she walked over (i was sitting down), and reached out to pull me up to go dance with her (i was half drunk). i stood up too fast and headbutted her and gave her a cut above the eye lol was soooo embarassing..