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  1. R

    I have a "Slow" voice tone and want to know how to improve it.

    Dude, if a professional speech therepist doesn't help you, do you think some teenagers on a forum are going to do much more? So far, I dont think you have a chance of getting any advice. I mean I dont have a clue what to tell you, but all I can say is that you're wasting your time by posting...
  2. R

    Come to a point...

    He's just saying that the uppers and lowers represent the men who have initiative and the men who don't; however, this outlook has been covered by the bible I think.
  3. R

    How to make high school girls go CRAZY over you! - Part 1

    Ohhhh, ok you I had you all wrong..Not. Dude if you can't even socialize with guys and worry about your approaches towards them, you're just ridiculous. Firstly, it is more meaningful to have a variety of friends to support you emotionally to the point in which you might not even have to be on...
  4. R

    How to make high school girls go CRAZY over you! - Part 1

    HAHAHA, you won't even say "What's up" because you think it's too forceful? What else are you going to do to start a conversation? You have no idea what you're talking about, because I think you've lost touch of reality, buddy. You're hilarious to read by the way; I think your problem is not...
  5. R

    You know what I need, videos of people macking.

    LOL, just stand up straight. Wtf?
  6. R

    Will I ever achieve my dream of being a DJ? Not in this lifetime.

    Viper, you sound like exactly like this one kid in my grade. He has absolutely no friends, and has the worst posture ever. He also has an attitude problem, just like you. Everyone makes fun of him. Sound familiar? How about some "Insider Information"? Everyone says that if he were to get rid of...
  7. R

    NYC High Schools

    LOL, I know stuyvesant. I used to live like 3 blocks away in tribeca. I have mad friends who go there. What are ya'll names and grades...? (I go to riverdale btw)
  8. R

    So things are alright, except for my feelings..

    When you're with her, turn on a computer and show her this post. LOL, all your inhibitions and worries will be gone!
  9. R

    High School Observation

    Popular kids are the good looking kids, and people with exceptional personalities. It's a waste of time deluding yourself with all these theories, no? I dont want to be a flamer, just wanted to put my thoughts out there.