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  1. G

    in need of some LTR advice

    Can I get some more help with this? Thanks.
  2. G

    sosuave members - DO YOU SUCK WITH GIRLS?

    Have had sex with two girls. For a total of about 100 times. I lost my virginity 9 months ago.
  3. G

    getting coffee date with girl? and how to end it?

    The best way to close a coffee date is for you to have something to do after the date. you can look at your watch and note the time and say that you have to pick up your little brother from soccer practice, or meet a friend to study, or go see a movie with your guy friends, anything. the...
  4. G

    in need of some LTR advice

    I am a sr. in college, my gf is a jr, and we have been together for about six months. when my gf was in high school she dated a boy for over a year. while they were dating this boy hit her. of course, any self respecting girl would not tolerate this behavior and would end the relationship...