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  1. M

    How to deal with an insane ex?

    Well that's the thing, I've been trying that ever since I dumped her (it's been a couple months) but the more time that goes on, the worse she seems to get. I guess as long as I show that I'm not willing to descend to her level, it'll be alright.
  2. M

    How to deal with an insane ex?

    Okay, I've got a problem. My insane (and I do mean that) ex girlfriend has made it her mission to try and make my life miserable, mainly by making crap up about me and telling it to my friends. Most of them don't believe her, but some do. Mainly I think she's bitter that I broke up with...
  3. M

    Going off to university

    My last day of high school is tomorrow, and at the end of this summer I'll be shipping out to a small university out east. Though I know a few people who are going there it will, by far, be pretty much new. Any thoughts on what the transition will be like, especially in respect to the lay-deez?
  4. M

    Halloween Party - Costumes to Stand Out?

    I'm going to a costume party tonight - as a pimp. Fur coat, purple hat, big cane and some bling-bling - it'll definitely stand out. I've worn it before, hehe. Funny how someone suggested it too ;)
  5. M

    A success story.

    Long-time troller, first-time poster. This is just what happened to me. When I found SoSuave I was, like many members, a broken man. Suffering from chronic AFC disease and a bad case of Oneitis, straight out from an LJBF and a complete attention wh0re, I was in desperate need of some aid. I...