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  1. V

    A Couple of Questions

    Okay, I'm working on becoming a DJ, but there are a couple of questions that I need answered before I can proceed. 1. There are a couple of girls I am interested in my various classes. The problem is, I have little, if any, chance of striking up a conversation because of where I sit. I feel...
  2. V

    how to win over a girl that like's me but like's other guyz to

    I'd hate to say this, but you need to dump her. If you read the DJ bible, you'd realize that you need to be assertive in a relationship. You're coming across as desperate, and that won't fly.
  3. V

    Looking for advice to improve this circumstance

    Well, what can I say? This Cal guy sounds like a loser THis makes me think that he just wants attention and you are what gets him this. He chooses you as a target because you make an easy target. Everybody likes to make fun of popular people (just watch the comedy channel. They never talk...
  4. V

    Question from DJ-in-training

    Let me start by saying that I have no trouble speaking with people I know well. I also think I have a decent sense of humour. However, whenever I find myself talking with someone I find attractive, my sense of humour seems to disappear. I try to find things to say, and in most cases, come up...