Search results

  1. J

    Is there such a thing as "Out of my league"

    The poster said he isn't ugly. He said he's decent and keeps in shape. His problem is that he doesn't look masculine and his looks aren't so good that he can get away with it. People on this site toss around the words "ugly" and "hot" like there's no middle ground. A girl who's a 6 is an...
  2. J

    Is there such a thing as "Out of my league"

    The guys that pull off hot women on a consistent basis yet their looks aren't anything great, they have maleness that compensates for it. It's not even about just being in shape as much as it is having a tough, masculine look. A boyish looking guy that is just "ok" is almost as bad to...
  3. J

    Pug's 100 approach journal

    Think about it. He goes up to a Keira Knightley/Winona Ryder looking chick and asks her if she's single. They exchange numbers and she calls him days after the fact. He gets all serious on the first date and she likes it? I have a hard time buying it, unless he was exaggerating about her...
  4. J

    Pug's 100 approach journal

    He said his goal was to make 100 approaches. We're supposed to believe that he followed women around in bookstores, some of them were receptive, he went on a date with one of them, immediately started thinking about marriage and just disappeared from the board altogether?