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  1. T

    Got a phone call tonight.

    Wyldfire ist absolutely right. This girl is not the problem. Midwest has to focus on himself and should suddenly start to get out of this mess. The hole situation is very unhealthy for everybody involved. My advice: don't see her anymore. If it's necessary change your job or even leave the...
  2. T

    how do you make people talk about themselves a lot?

    The problem ist not that she doesn't talk much. The problem is that you feel that she's not really happy and excited with you. How was it at the beginning of your relationship? Was she different? If she changed during relationship you have to reconquest her... by using the classic DJ...
  3. T

    how do you make people talk about themselves a lot?

    Ask the right questions. Start formal but don't ask to much about job, hobbies family or pets. Avoid themes like politics or religion. Ask and let her talk about good vibes and feelings, funnny or special experiences. If you ask the right questions, she will talk a lot. Believe me. - most...
  4. T

    First date in ages, advice needed!

    It's a mind game. There are thousands of mind games... google them out and pick 2 or 3 of them. For me mind games are always very helpful. Girls like good story telling and speaking about themself (everybody does). After a good mind game you have hours to discuss about the result, and the...
  5. T

    First date in ages, advice needed!

    Don't exaggerate. Don't be to funny, don't make to much kino at the beginning if you didn't practice for a long time. Make her feel good... be a good listener, do some mirroring. Show confidence. Don't speak about work all the time. After mirroring, try to lead the discussion to sex. For example...
  6. T

    I only find 1/100 women attractive

    Wiggadude, I have the same "problem". I d'like to have and do have sex with many girls but I only find 1 out of 200 girls really attractive (really attractive means, to like to spend as many time with her as possible and to become driven emotionally crazy). The reason is: only a few girls...