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  1. M

    Sure fire Way to get yourself to Approach

    Stop Jerking off . Seriously go a week or even a few days for some of you and you'll be approaching girls all the time. Anytime you jerk off you lessen your desire to approach women. Also it makes you feel tired . So stop wasting your time and energy Jerking off and use it to approach...
  2. M

    Having Trouble Applying Kino

    build more rapport with her through interests, values, dreams, mirror bl, voice tone, pitch , pace . build up stronger rapport and then you touching her shouler will seem more smoother. try it it works
  3. M

    Stand up and be real Men or does your ***** hurt??

    Ive read alot of things on this site , some is useful and alot of it is total wussy ****. if you want a woman you need to become a man first. most of us still see ourselves like little boys . When are you going to grow up and be a man. Stop blaming your father or whoever for your lack of...
  4. M

    Mixed Signals

    I use to date this chick in college who I named ''mixed signals mary'' one night it seemed like she wanted me , the next night she was aloof. So finally after a month of being in limbo , i told her listen I like you and find you attractive if you like me kiss me now or im done with this...
  5. M

    How much patience do you show ??

    Heres the deal fellas, Im 27 years old, and i got 4 or 5 girls im sarging right now. a 47 year old hot milf with a hot 18 year old daughter....haha,i got a 29 year old cutie about an 8. another 40 year old milf, and a 27 year old hot mexican chick. my concern is the last chick... weve had...
  6. M

    completely desperate and confused, need ****ing help before i commit suicide.

    become a ****ing man yuou whining *****. you had sex , you had the child now take care of your child. get a ****ing job, if you have to and quit school. dig ditches whatever it takes . have some freaking honor , your going to kill yourself and leave your child alone , how selfish...
  7. M

    Spring Break Sarging?!

    Hey man , first off dont stress about meeting the ladies, number one just go out there and have a great ass time . if you see a lady on the beach you and your friends approach, go up to them and just be totally chill , lay down in a good alpha body style, be out going and funny. your there to...