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  1. S

    How do i overcome being shy

    It's natural to feel fearful in new situations. All humans do. The key is to make it so that talking to strangers no longer is a new situation for you. Try to simply say "hi" to everyone you meet for the next two weeks. Don't wait around for them to say "hi" back or even care whether...
  2. S

    Qeustion about kiss closing (advanced)

    When you suspect she's ready to be kissed, ask her this: "On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your kissing skills?" I guarantee you, 9 times out of 10, you will soon be making out with her. ;)
  3. S

    Valentines Blues

    Dude, check out this book, it will help you: You problem goes beyond not having a GF this Valentines Day. Your problem is with your inner game. Only by fixing that and becoming a high status male can you get over your Valentines Blues.
  4. S

    right time to ask her out

    Don't ask her out for an explicit date. Just tell her you're getting coffee and you'd like it if she came along with you.
  5. S

    Going out, what place?

    Take her to some place informal, like a coffee shop, that's near either your place or hers. It's best if it's informal, not a "dating" type of place, in order to avoid having her look at you as a "relationship guy" who she makes wait for sex. The whole point of the meet is to get her...
  6. S

    What to say in this situation???

    It's more alpha to make a statement rather than ask a question. Try: "I'm going (somewhere to do something). Come with me." Say it in a friendly tone of voice.