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  1. W

    Question (moving on)

    So...on Saturday night at around 1:30 in the morning I get a text message from surprise, surprise, my ex-girlfriend, she sent me a text saying "Hey". I responded back with "Hi" yesterday evening then, five minutes later she responds back with "Hows things?", I haven't responded back yet. I...
  2. W

    Question (moving on)

    Do they *EVER* come back...? or is that solely her decision if she does in fact initiate contact again? from what I heard, it's once you move on that they sometimes come back (I find that odd).
  3. W

    Question (moving on)

    my ex-girlfriend is 28...
  4. W

    Question (moving on)

    Hi, My ex-girlfriend messaged me on Facebook telling me to move on (I've been pouring my heart to her about trying to work things out...) and that she says that she has. My question is if she really has moved on, why does she still have me as her first friend on MySpace (I still have her as...
  5. W


    Hi, Does it mean anything if your ex-girlfriend sends you a text message on your cell phone telling you that they finally have a cell phone, and wanted to say hi. Why would she text me? knowing that she would give her new number to me. -thanks
  6. W

    I feel like I'm going to be a failure..

    Let me tell you something, do you expect everything to be given to you on a silver platter? if you want change in your life, do something about it and change your situation. THINK. It's all you need to do.
  7. W

    Help in regards to article

    Thanks for your response. So let me see if I get it, it is like if I perceive a woman to be a snobby b*tch then I will base all of my opinions (answers) on that alone (this is the surface) my opinion on what she is talking about of whatever it may be is held to this perspective. Until I can...
  8. W

    Help in regards to article

    Hi, I was reading this article: and it touched on (I think) I am experiencing with my girlfriend :confused:. I can get a sense of something that is not registering in my mind. Sometimes, I just don't *GET* it, and, I feel that part of myself is...
  9. W

    Some help, please. . .

    I always do appreciate your advice. Very concise and to the point, and it makes sense to me. :yes:
  10. W

    Some help, please. . .

    ummm...not really the response i was looking for, what do others think?
  11. W

    Some help, please. . .

    Hi, **This question is in regards to sex with my girlfriend** My girlfriend (28) and I (21) have been officially going out since October of last year (then she left for two months on a trip to Europe) when she got back (and even before she left) the sex was great, quite spontaneous. Now...
  12. W

    Sex with girlfriend. . .

    Help. . .please?
  13. W

    Sex with girlfriend. . .

    . . . Here is something else, she talks dirty to me but, doesn't follow through with what she says :mad: it is annoying. I guess since she has been sick with a cold for a while, I'll let it slide (but I'm still really annoyed). I'm thinking of saying "Don't do that if you are not going to...
  14. W

    Sex with girlfriend. . .

    Sounds good. Any other advice?
  15. W

    Sex with girlfriend. . .

    We have been dating since last summer (I have been having sex with her since then) became a couple last October. She basically stayed consistent (on and off) sometimes for a while the sex would be great then other times meh. . .
  16. W

    Sex with girlfriend. . .

    I don't know. . .she tells me that I'm too eager but, I think its due to my age (21, young and horny), she is 27. I thought that might kind of be apart of it as well. BTW: She has been sick with a cold sore and has had the fly for a couple of weeks (that may be a contributor as well).
  17. W

    Sex with girlfriend. . .

    Hi, Over the last while (more than a couple of weeks) my girlfriend and I have not been having much sex (mild fooling around), the thing is why is it becoming a task now to have sex? e.g. we would be and then she wouldn't be into it anymore (very frustrating) :down:. It seems I'm the one...
  18. W

    Something that bugs me...

    I think what they mean by "trap" is that I was locked into a relationship *BEFORE* she left for two and a half months to Europe, when I could have just said "Oh, we'll talk about it when you get back". That would have been better I think (could have had When I think about it...
  19. W

    Something that bugs me...

    Hi, Over the last little while my friends bug me about being the "b*tch" in the relationship with my girlfriend, and how she "trapped" me (BEFORE she left for her European trip last fall for two and a half months) we became a couple. I could see that she did indeed "trap" me (I guess she...
  20. W

    "I love you"

    each person is different in expressing their love for another, there is no "right" time, only when you feel it is time.