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  1. R

    Cold approaches walking down the street

    Well, that's what I used when I first started or when my head's all foggy and I can't come up with anything to say (remember that the more I try to think on the spot, the more anxiety I build up destroying my desire to approach..) In any case, things haven't gotten much better with other...
  2. R

    Cold approaches walking down the street

    It seems that HB's you see walking down the street aren't in the best situation to be approached but I see tons and tons of these hot girls everywhere I walk to so I feel like I'm wasting tons of opportunities if I do nothing. So I started approaching them though about half get weirded out and...
  3. R

    I Love Street Fight Stories!!!

    This was way back in 8th or 9th grade.. there was this bully at my bus stop who would verbally abuse me everyday (mostly racial slurs) and take the contents of my backpack and throw it in the trash all the time. About half way into the school year, I could no longer stand him anymore so I...
  4. R

    Standing Up To People Who Give You S**T

    Avoid being near them in the first place if possible. DON'T smile or joke if they piss you off. If it's something minor, just try your best to ignore it without feeling bad about it. If it's more serious, then tell them you don't appreciate what they've said or done. They may physically...
  5. R


    Re: Death.... This wasn't meant to be completely serious anyways.. it was a combination of my imagination and accounts of people who had near death experiences.
  6. R


    At the brink of death you'll black out.. then when you "wake" again, you'll be floating in the hospital room staring at your body lying in the bed. The heart monitor flatlines and the doctors rush in. They try very hard to revive you to no avail and they pull the sheets over your head...
  7. R


    Heh.. I LOVE anime.. esp. Naruto. Too bad it's licensed now (but you can still get it if you've got connections.) I'd say the character cast is less AFC that that of the average anime even though there's only one character who openly approaches women despite his numerous rejections (but...
  8. R

    Why do some girls have their panties showing from behind when they sit down?

    I've noticed this a lot in high school and college.. not very much among mature women.. she isn't wearing a belt or a long enough shirt and sits down, you see the upper part of her panties exposed from behind. I've always wanted to think they secretly wish to get the attention of other guys...