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  1. L

    Judging Interest Level

    Alright there is this girl Iv been hanging out w/ for a while, and Iv gone out w/ her once, the problem is Im havin trouble determining if she views me as a friend or in a more romantic there any way to ask or find out how she sees me w/o acting completely AFC? Thanks in advance.
  2. L

    Judging Interest Level

    Iv hung out w/ her once before, and I have plans to go out with her again. My question is, when out with her or talking with her, how do I judge if im viewed as a friend or in a more romantic way?
  3. L

    Judging Interest Level

    I just posted about this, but I look back now and realize how incredibly stupid the post looks...anyways...lemme rephrase...there is a girl I am into who I am having trouble determining the interest level of. Is there an effective and non-lame way to ask if she is interested? What are some ways...
  4. L

    Find out if she likes me...

    Is there anyway of not coming off totally AFC yet still asking where I stand?
  5. L

    Find out if she likes me...

    There is this girl I am really into, but I am not sure how interested she is. We have hung out a few times, I guess they would count as group dates, and we se each other/hang out at school everyday. We also talk on AIM pretty often. It is hard to set stuff up with her right now cuz she is at the...
  6. L

    Making Interest Obvious

    Thanks Shocker...any more advice? After the pull away thing, what do I say when contact is reinitiated to insure that my intentions are more clear? Any suggestions? Btw, Im not so sure that Im in the friend not so sure hs girls have a friend zone.
  7. L

    Making Interest Obvious

    Thanks for the replies, and I think you're right it is probably a good time to pull away, especially cuz Im gonna be busy as hell for a week or 2 only question is how long do you suggest i keep up the pulled away thing?
  8. L

    Making Interest Obvious

    Okay, there is a girl in my physics class who I am very interested in...I have been flirting and building rapport with her for about 2 weeks, maybe more, and it has gotten to the point where she clearly trusts me (she has confided in me over very personal things.) I asked her to meet me for...
  9. L


    Hey, I'm a 15 year old sophmore w/ long, thick curly hair that is a giant pain in the ass to do every day. I usually put gel in it, and curl it out, any suggestions on hairstyles for people with longer hair (not really long, just long for a guy)? Thanks