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  1. D


    i love you guys :D
  2. D


    I have a small problem when fighting. I do boxing, and can get some good punches in a fight. I know how to use my elbows, knees, fists, feet whatever. But, i cant use these in a fight. Why? You see, these guys im always fighting with coem in flailing their arms about like a retard on smack and...
  3. D

    How do I toughne up my mates?

    On another occasion, a similar incident happened to my other friend, Ryan. Ryan was messing about like he usually does. I forgot what he was doing, but one chavette got pissed off at him. She got another chav midget (this one bordering 4 to 5 feet) to start on him. He said "What da **** ya think...
  4. D

    How do I toughne up my mates?

    I've been lurking around here for a while and I've finally decided to post. Now then, I go to school literally infested with chavs( chavs by the way, are basically thugs, the guys that start fights for no reason yet usually just have big mouths). 97% are chavs (No Exaggeration!) and me and my...
  5. D

    Something severly weird....

    Today I walked into class. Normal day, nothing different. I was with my mate and I begin to sit down. Suddenly, a girl walks up to me. Now I usually talk to her and at first she was okay with me. But the more I got to know her, the more hostile she became towards me! She would still laugh round...
  6. D

    Problems at school

    my fav comeback ever "Well, you suck so much ****....there's no punchline, im just stating a fact"
  7. D

    Sat next to a girl....

    after reading quite the DJ Bible and such, ive realised that conversations (no matter how pointless) are a must its just continuing the conversation, how do i move on to asking her about herself from a maths question?
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    Sat next to a girl....

    thanks for the reply, but we live quite far apart, I dont know where she lives and I presume vice versa. not to mention my house is always busy with a smaller brother and sister and all
  9. D


    Anyone know any good ways of getting rid of the fear of rejection?
  10. D

    Sat next to a girl....

    Well, heres the deal I really like this girl in my classes (shes in most of them) and recently we were forced to sit next together in maths. We've only spent one lesson sat together and we didnt say anything to each other. She is usually quiet anyways and doesnt talk to many boys or girls, just...