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  1. M

    Why sosuave sucks and why you should be yourself

    Seeing what is posted on this thread, I feel the need to inject this: 'We are what we think. With our thoughts we make the world.' Now think about that. I mean really think about it. If you do what you always do, think the way you have always thought, you will be what you have always been...
  2. M

    fieldreport , college party, when to call?

    Just awoke from last night's kegger here. Give it two days, that's pretty safe. Lets her know you have a life too. Any advice on how to approach at these parties when you don't know a lot of people and the hotties are beng treated like a hoarded commodity? Seems like every group of girls had...
  3. M

    women playing their games, opinions/advice needed

    good advice, gents. A new perspective is always welcome. Anybody else have ideas?
  4. M

    women playing their games, opinions/advice needed

    I'm sending thsi out for some advice or opinions. I met a girl a couple days back, played the ****y and funny thing well, didn't make myself available, wasn't clingy, an set things up for a drink at a local pub in the future. Today she acts like I don't even exist, and her and her friend...
  5. M

    Does the advice here work? One man's experience ...

    Ok guys (and gals)- I wasn't sure where this post should go, but I had to post it. I trust the moderators to slide it wherever it is appropriate. I've been subscribing to the newsletter for a few months and have read most of the articles on the sosuave website. Over the course of the months...