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  1. B

    Do Boyfriends MAtter if SHE wants it?????

    What is a Don Juans view on boyfriiends? As in if the girl he wants has one. If its clear he can get her and it seems she wants him to make a move, does he do so? Or is there some sort of code to not hook up with another man's girl? I can understand if you knew him as a friend or respecetd him...
  2. B

    she asked How many have you slept with...

    I started talkin to an ole friend today and somehow the queston "how many girls have you slept with?" came up...I didnt really know what to say. Is this one of those questons you should NEVER answer no matter what the number is,( my count is 1btw )... should I use it to my advantage and tell her...
  3. B

    Post your favorite sosuave quote

    The brave may not live forever.... But the cautious dont live at all...