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  1. D

    Attention seeking at its best

    He apologized because there were millions of dollars at stake with his sponsors.
  2. D

    How would you handle this?

    I don't think she was exactly digging at what you were saying, its a valid effort but it sounds like you caught her by surprise with a big goofy smile (although i'm guessing what your body language was at the time) and then you nervously existed the conversation. I found it to be better not...
  3. D

    Attention seeking at its best

    The truth is that famous male celebrities with money will always have groupies around trying to position themselves at the right place in order to catch a ride on the pony express. Its like shooting a fish in a barrel. Tiger Woods was married and had so many women hounding him without...
  4. D

    Angry AFC virgin killed seven people in drive by shooting [merged]

    Saw someone posted this on Heartiste blog, good response by Tyler:
  5. D

    Worst cities for picking up chicks?

    Thanks Roosh for confirming it!
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    Angry AFC virgin killed seven people in drive by shooting [merged]

    It doesn't matter where he spend his time, it obviously wasn't on learning game. If you have a problem, you cannot simply say "okay I give up" otherwise you are a loser. This loser gave up and 7 people had to pay the price cause of it. He isn't so different then the batman theater killer, he...
  7. D

    Who takes break ups harder? Men or Women?

    I say it depends on the individual mindset and the quality of their partner more then their gender. The more options they have in the dating market the easier and faster the replacement of a loss of partner will be and felt.
  8. D

    Is asking for closure post breakup considered weak?

    Agreed with everything that said also closure is made up by women to make them feel good when they dump a guy for no good reason (or cheated on him for sh1tty reason) and then when they accept their "friendship" offers they can pat themselves on back on a job well done. But if the situation...
  9. D

    Is asking for closure post breakup considered weak?

    Breakup is closure there is nothing more to discuss, think of it as "breakup opportunity" where you should be thinking instead of how great it is to be free and single again to chase a whole other slew of asses.
  10. D

    Angry AFC virgin killed seven people in drive by shooting [merged] (his video) The sad thing (other then the senseless killing) is that if this man learned some game he would been able to get laid/gf because he isn't a bad looking guy. It seems that all the crazy...
  11. D

    Crazy woman attacked a man on the subway As a man I guess you just need to take the beating from a strange woman in a public place because if you dare to retaliate and the cops sees this then you will end up being the guilty one. Notice no one stuck up for him or even said that she...
  12. D

    prayers for comic relief

    I fully expect some pickup report attempts of the nurses in that hospital unit till then.:D Have a fast and speedy recovery.
  13. D

    Do U think this running into cyclist accident is indicative of hot chicks' attitude?

    Do U think this running into cyclist accident is indicative of hot chicks' attitude? More like sh1tty society programming of Western Culture Civilization. What a fvcking c unt.
  14. D

    Anyway to save this??

    You answered your own question: If you develop oneitis for her then you can't keep it FWB because you will be lying to yourself hoping this will turn into a relationship. Cut your losses and move on.
  15. D

    Statue of man causes american women to lose their mind

    If anything this statue looks to be in distress, so if you are a male and you happen to be in your underwear outside because you just escaped a burning house fire in the middle of the night and you need some help, you ain't going to get it. They should change the statue for a hot looking...
  16. D

    Your girlfriend hanging out with gay guys?

    Put your foot down. So what if he is gay?! its another dude fondling your woman. Hollywood has brainwashed the masses that this is an "ok" behavior by gay men because they don't feel attracted to females therefore its acceptable. So essentially having a hardon is what makes it wrong not...
  17. D

    "I like him because he's so nice."

    "I like him because he is nice" Translation: I am trying to sound sophisticated to my selected audience in order to hide my true raw ugly primal animal inside that wants to get fvcked by this Man whom I find attractive due to his looks, wallet or game.
  18. D

    New Meme? Fiancé Shaming

    Show a picture of his future wife, my guess is that she is an angry fat cow. Going around on your tippy toes because she is on her period is just another failed sh1t test. Its a complete faliure of men letting women to get away with sh1tty behaviour towards them while they are on their...
  19. D

    female American ex-pat lashes out at American men who chase foreign women

    I bet she is old, frumpy, overweight with short hair who doesn't fvck her husband on a consistent enough basis. Hot young attractive women don't give a sh1t about some men travelling aboard for ass because they still have many options here.
  20. D

    Woman thinks that advice to wives of cheating husbands to give him more sex is wrong

    I like this gem from this author: why you ask?! because that belief of helping around the house to get more sex has been debunked!!! Yes maybe the husband should have gotten a divorce before he cheated but...