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  1. B

    Dating a Bipolar/Manic...have you?

    I've been seeing this chick who has severe panic attacks, but I think she's bipolar too, I haven't asked. She is really strange at times. One day she's happy to see me the next she doesn't know what she wants, then starts crying and thinking she's screwing things up with me. I'm not even going...
  2. B

    Friends intrested in girl who's interested in me

    To be honest, neither is overly important to me. I don't feel close enough to this friend to care about keeping in touch after school, we don't have that much in common, plus he's been gettin brainwashed by this messed up bible group he's been going to. some of the beliefs they have are way out...
  3. B

    Friends intrested in girl who's interested in me

    There's this girl that I've known for a long time that briefly dated my little brother back in highschool. They were never very serious, and never fooled around, because neither of them was like that. Anyway, I hadn't seen her in about 5 years and then ran into her a couple weeks ago. We hit it...
  4. B

    C*ckblocked by Jesus

    I have been experiencing this same thing. Too many woman at the school I'm going to are BIG religious freaks. Tonight, in an attempt to get to know some new people I went to a prayer group with some people I'm friends with. There were a bunch of hot girls there, but they were a little freaky...
  5. B

    Using music/guitar to attract girls?

    Yes, I've also heard japanese girls go for that kinda' music. Actually I've found that alot of American culture from the 80's is cool in Japan. I play on my guitars a lot of Tool, Type-o-Negative, STP, and Metalica. I know almost every song by each of these bands, and many more by others, yet I...
  6. B

    Did this ever happen 2 u?

    Not everyone kisses the same. My last gf was a terrible kisser, I even told her so after we broke up. She kissed funny, especially open mouth. Yet she thought she did fine, and she was kissing the right way. Her experience was me and her previous bf a couple years back. Mine about 23 different...
  7. B

    Using music/guitar to attract girls?

    I've been playing guitar for over ten years. I've made a cd, and played in several bands. I don't do it for the women, but for my own pleasure. Here is what I've found about women and music. Most think it's really cool if you're in a band, but a great number of girls don't appreciate the actual...
  8. B

    Chick set the date then flaked

    Ya know, I've thought about that too. Women are the only ones who stoop that low with lies. If only they knew that we would rather hear the truth than some made up story that makes us wonder. Plus, yeah, that is very demented to say your family died just to get out of a date. I've never heard of...
  9. B

    Her BF confronted me!

    yeah, don't resort to violence. He shows up again, call the police or if you have security at work call them. He has no right to be showing up at work confronting you like that. Let the proffesionals handle it. That way he can't press charges for assault and you don't get viewed as a violent...
  10. B

    How to treat unfriendly-*****y girls

    She had no reason, we hardly knew eachother. She was just very disrespectful and rude in general. Now she's acting friendly. I think it was probably her immaturity and that she has the I'm a little princess mentallity, that a guy needs to worship the ground she walks on bs. I used to be casually...
  11. B

    Who's a sexy b---h?

    She's telling the truth. She's a girl. Her pic was there. And if you read her writing style you can come to the conclusion that either she is a really extremely feminin gay dude, or the later that she is in fact a girl. I think the later is most likely....but hmm....she could be...:eek: lol
  12. B

    Chick set the date then flaked

    Already said her grandfather had a massive stroke, that's why she missed. She wasn't in any of her classes that day either. She missed because she had to go see her grandfather. No big deal. We went out last night and had fun. Kissed her. I'm seeing her again on Saturday. :)
  13. B

    How to treat unfriendly-*****y girls

    I had just the same experience recently with this chick in college. She's friends with some of the people I hang out with and would always ignore me when I talk to her or make an occasional rude comment. Anyway, one day I basically told her off when she said something rude and she instantly shut...
  14. B

    Who's a sexy b---h?

    I'm a sexy mofo! But only when I feel like it and see something I like. If papa don't like he turn off the charm and go into friend mode, that way I don't have to hurt anyone's feelings when I turn them down. I'm very honest with people, but at the same time don't really want to hurt anyone's...
  15. B

    Chick set the date then flaked

    Anyway, I just talked with this girl who I thought flaked out on me. It turns out her grandfather had a really bad stroke and she had to leave town in a hurry to see him before he possibly died. She said he's on oxygen now and not really doing too well. I forgave her and said I'm sorry I've been...
  16. B

    How do you deal with younger girls?

    Dude, I am glad somebody knows what I'm dealing with here. You hit it right on the money. Yeah, I agree with not wanting the town bicycle. I like nice women. I'm currently friends with many of them in school, but just as you said they are intimidated. Some of them are worth waiting for too. So...
  17. B

    How do you deal with younger girls?

    I've already been through college before. I've gone back for a better degree that makes better money, this was the college that had an opening to get in right away. I'd have gone to a different one but the others had a waiting list backed up for a couple of years, plus I have family in town and...
  18. B

    How do you deal with younger girls?

    I've never made an aproach on this bratty chick, she's friends with some of my friends and generally comes and sits with them when I'm there, then just starts acting all rude towards me. I have zero interest in her and don't really care what she thinks. My point is how stupid some girls behave...
  19. B

    How do you deal with younger girls?

    Uh, yeah. Can't have fun with them if I can't get them out. As soon as I start talking to em' some of them get all giddy and start grinning like a banshee, or act like I don't exist, then when I invite them to go for a coffee or something they get really shy, or act like I just asked them to...