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  1. L

    the double LJBF rejection

    Thanks, every single response has been all helpful. Rollo, OK, LJBF and intersexual friendship has no direct connection. Then I have two specific questions here. 1. Is maybe just a small detail, but what would you expect from a quality woman, how should she react instead of giving the...
  2. L

    the double LJBF rejection

    Hi, would like to get some input on this situation. I got the classical LJBF rejection. Of course, nocked me quite a bit. But as I like this woman a lot, not just attraction wise, but maybe even more so just smart and very knowledgable, I would really like to be friend with her on a purely...
  3. L

    How long can oneities last?

    Feeling better now Hi, to answer my own post, I almost got over with it. Some answers in this thread have actually helped me quite a bit. It took 10 months now. In the end I simply told her and found out she is in love with someone else. Looks like she has a similar problem. Anyway, it helped...
  4. L

    How long can oneities last?

    I catched a very strong oneities. Have it already for over half a year. There is not much hope of getting the loved one. Since I can not think much about anything else, I wonna know what is the worst case scenario until this desease goes away? What is your experience, what has been the longest...