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  1. R

    Ex (Husband) still in picture--weird scene...

    So did she get the citizenship or green card? I thought the process of citizenship took 5 yrs min
  2. R

    Tell My Boss to Stop Hitting on Me?

    For the most part direct confrontation with a women boss will not be in your best interest in the long run - your best bet is to work on relaying your message with your actions. By being focussed on your job at hand and not deviating by asking personal questions or answering them. This...
  3. R

    history lessons

    Not sure if history has been a major factor but money sure has. Women are around a lot of money these days either from child support, alimony, rich husbands, parents etc. They have in a sense gained power. Unfortunately with this new role come issues such as smoking, drinking and...
  4. R

    Sweaty hands in general... any way to remedy this?

    ..... I believe its called Drysol - need to get a prescription for it though.
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    The Secret Society ("Taken" Women)

    let me clarify my point. If you put her in an environment with that certain guy she will cheat. It has nothing to do with a certain profile. So when I said all women cheat, shouldn't be taken literally. I did not accept this position until I saw it happening right infront of me. I...
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    The Secret Society ("Taken" Women)

    sorry guys If you want loyaly get a dog. I work with 250 plus women. This is what I have learnt. All women cheat. Its a natural instinct that they have no control over when a highly energized type of guy walks in, a bad boy. He doesn't have to say anything. They are just attracted...
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    the female player, how to

    This was posted by zerocelcius...I have used this strategy with great results...The key here is not to form any kind of attachment/affection with her.......... ********************************************************** "A reputation for honesty gives you the cover to practice all manner of...
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    Need advice: Meeting a Girl Abroad...with conflict in the air

    Be careful this could be one of those internet scams. Have you talked to her on the phone? or sent anything by mail to her.
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    Dating girl for 4 months - no sex yet

    Interesting responses... I would not next her yet. She seems LTR material but be careful, she will use the same technique to get her way later on. Have you tried teasing her to the point of climaxing?...and then leaving her hanging. If this does not work then I would do the hot/cold...
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    Girls who say they feel "uncomfortable" when you ask them out

    I don't agree that sexual harrasment is clearly and universally defined. This is not the case in the real world. women hold the upperhand in this because it based on how they feel. In this case they said they felt uncomfortable. He could have asked 10 women at work the same way and I am sure not...
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    Had a Bad Date - Interesting Observations

    Latinoman.....I agree with you on the foreign aspect of dating especially here in the midwest. I have noticed that if I date a white hb7 or higher the issue of money/job is usually brought up early on the first date. Their interest dwindles from there on. I don't see that with fuglys...
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    Had a Bad Date - Interesting Observations

    ......She did also try very early on to qualify me with qustions such as "what do you do?" and "other then being a student do you work"?? and that was with in 5 mins of our date playing golf. This I believe is the source of her disinterest. She is looking for a guy to settle down with.
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    married woman - Bad situation - Please help!

    ............found out later she got married at 23. After a bad break up where she vowed no more realtionships, she got married one year later.......... Be careful with such women...they work on impulse then change their mind. she may just be scheming to bail out of the marriage and looking...
  14. R

    married woman - Bad situation - Please help!

    ..I agree with grinder - this is a tricky situation. I suggest you stop being personal with her i.e don't ask her any personal about general stuff
  15. R

    Does anyone know what this means?

    In a nutshell...They are checking you out. They see you as a cutie but shy/quiet. They are testing you to see if you are interested.